Research Projects
- Physiotherapy Research and Development
Physiotherapy students’ preferences regarding their future employment and factors influencing employment decisions: A mixed methods study (What WorX)
DetailsRecruiting physiotherapists and timely filling vacancies are challenging for inpatient healthcare facilities. Understanding potential applicants’ preferences regarding future employment is crucial for making job offers and work conditions more attractive.
Eccentric training modalities to affect joint range of motion and flexibility in the rehabilitation process of lower limb musculoskeletal disorders: a scoping review.
DetailsThe objectives of this scoping review are 1) to provide a comprehensive overview of the current evidence on eccentric training modalities and flexibility, joint range of motion and/or fascicle length in the rehabilitation process of lower limb musculoskeletal disorders; 2) to describe in detail the modalities of training including dosage of eccentric training during the specific tissue healing phases; and 3) to identify the need for future research.
Physiotherapy during haemodialysis
DetailsFollowing a cooperation request a treaty was signed between medical staff of the Hemodialysis Ward (Steyr hospital), the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Steyr hospital) and the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. This cooperation comprises of six bachelor theses, proposals are already accomplished. Currently, the students are writing their theses, which should be finished at the end of January 2025.
Professional Identity Development in Austrian Physio-, Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists – a mixed method investigation
DetailsProfessional Identity (PI) has been defined as an ongoing transformative evolutionary process. PI is the adoption of specific beliefs, attributes and (ethical) values and experiences to become a member of a profession or the way individuals „think and act in line with the… group, … expressed by normative behaviour and loyalty”. Lacking clarity of PI can lead negatively to a professional’s attenuated perceived self-value, can weaken the profession itself and the confidence in performing her/his role. On the other hand, a well-developed concept of one’s PI can lead to enhanced professional confidence and a better exercise of the profession chosen.
Efficacy of an ergonomic handwriting pen – a monocenter randomised controlled counter-balanced trial
DetailsEven though increasing digitalisation reduces handwriting activities, the intensive use of a handwriting tool can lead to problems in the hand or finger areas. Since these problems are often induced by too much pressure and excessive forces during the handwriting process, an ideal design shall help in reducing them. Such an innovative design will be investigated in a cooperative study with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Lifecare Assistance in Ried im Innkreis
DetailsIn Austria, as in many other countries, the older population continues to grow. Often elderly people prefer staying in their own homes for as long as they can, and only move into a nursing home at a later stage in their lives or only if need be. However, to respond to this important and understandable request for independence, family members and informal caregivers have to take on challenging responsibilities. Our project aims to support these individuals in home care for elderly people.
aktiChron ꟷ “fully active despite chronic illness”
DetailsPatients with chronic diseases require specific skills for managing their symptoms. Therefore, an education programme for chronically ill people will be developed at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professionals Upper Austria. The programme will comprise six workshops, individual coaching sessions, and regular group meetings.
The programme will be implemented in a primary care centre. Experiences, effectiveness, and acceptance will be evaluated in a study.
- Healthcare and Nursing Dietetics Occupational Therapy Speech and Language Therapy Physiotherapy Research and Development
Lica – „Scientific support in further development of a digital platform (app) for family carers and a personal supervisors"
DetailsIn Austria, nursing predominantly takes place at home. Mainly relatives or informal caregivers working for agencies which provide personal assistance are involved. Professional nurses and medical specialists are often contacted at a very late stage. This leaves both family and informal caregivers with a variety of challenges.
SALSA Health - Telerehabilitation for people over 55 years of age through mHealth apps in physiotherapy
DetailsWith age, the performance and independence of people decrease. This is often further increased by illnesses and injuries. In addition to movement restrictions and problems in carrying out activities of daily life, there is a reduction of participation in social life and consequently in the quality of life.
E-Learning compared to conventional/face-to-face-learning in practical physiotherapy education
DetailsE-learning is defined as „all types of learning with the use of digital media, either the presentation or the distribution of learning material or the communication between students and teachers“ (Kerres und Preußler 2012). In physiotherapy education parts of lessons could be added by e-learning, to offer students the opportunity to learn and repeat at their own responsibilty.
Motion analysis for eHealth and mHealth
DetailsIn addition to the increasing use of digital technologies in healthcare, there is also an increased use of health apps in private life. A common focus of digital solutions is often on promoting physical activity or improving musculoskeletal complaints. To develop these digital solutions, companies need knowledge and the latest findings in the fields of anatomy, physiotherapy and motion analysis. According to the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, the FFG qualification seminar "Moving" contributes to the improvement of existing digital solutions and the development of new innovations.
„BelaPrim“ Physical and Psychological Stress of Primary School Teachers
DetailsThe prevalence of work-related physical stress in primary school teachers worldwide depending on the region ranges from 32% to 67%. The three most affected regions of the body are the neck (39% to 69%), the lower back (38% to 48%) and the shoulders (28% to 73%)(Moom et al., 2015; Karakaya et al., 2015; Yue et al., 2012; Korkmaz et al., 2011; Chong and Chan, 2010; Nurul et al., 2010; Cardoso et al., 2009).
Effective post-stroke rehabilitation through Virtual Reality Assisted Therapy
DetailsThe aim of stroke rehabilitation is to significantly increase the patient’s quality of life. In addition to traditional therapy, the use of more widespread consumer electronics (e.g. smart phones, tablets, gesture-controlled devices or virtual reality devices) can help to support the rehabilitation.
Subacromial Pain Syndrome – Effects of a systemised osteo pressure treatment with regard to pain and mobility
DetailsThe term “subacromial pain syndrome“ covers many shoulder pains, often clinically difficult to differentiate. Among the most commonly diagnosed are Subacromial Impingement-Syndrome, Tendinitis calcarea, Bursitis subacromialis, Periarthropathia humeroscapularis or degenerative changes in the rotator cuff.
Health Promotion for Senior Citizens via a Digital Exercise Programme
DetailsFitness Trackers and Fitness Apps have rapidly gained popularity during the last five years. As part of our research focus on assistive technology, project „New Generation“ investigates, how smart phone appliances can contribute to health promotion for elderly persons by increasing physical activity levels. According to WHO recommendations, older adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week.
Reducing the Musculoskeletal Pains of Operating Theatre Nurses
DetailsOperating theatre nurses work in sterile zones under the supervision of surgeons and are responsible for preparing surgical instruments before procedures, keeping count of surgical instruments and passing instruments to surgeons and surgical assistants. More than 50% spend their time in a standing position and standing for long hours (up to 10 hours for some surgical procedures, such as a lumbar fusion) is a significant contributor to lower back pain and pain in the other body areas.
Manual Lymph drainage for Children with Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome: A Case Report
DetailsThe Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome is a rare congenital development disorder of the vessels, which are linked with multiple vessel malformations in the arterial, venous and lymphatic area. Due to the rarity of the disease there is currently very little evidence on treatments and the majority of these are in the form of Case Reports.
Virtual- und Augmented Reality in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Caused by Brachial Plexus Lesion
DetailsA brachial plexus lesion is able to induce alterations in the peripheral and the central nervous system, leading to neuropathic pain. Treatment methods targeting the reoganisation of central supraspinal information processing have shown promising results in the last few years.
Evidence-based practice in physical therapy in Austria: current state and factors associated with EBP engagement
DetailsRationale, Aims and Objectives: Research examining the use of evidence-based practice (EBP) in physical therapy in many countries has revealed positive attitudes, varying degrees of EBP use and barriers at practitioner-, patient- and organizational levels. In contrast to these countries, Austria does not have an academic or research tradition in physical therapy.
“Activity in after school care ” - Evaluation of the practicability of a physical activity program
DetailsThe decrease in physical activity among children in developed societies and the consequential long-term effects on health and development is a major challenge already today and for the future. The Upper Austrian Department of Health, in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions (Physiotherapy Program), has therefore drafted a physical activity program for after school care, based on the general criteria of health promotion (e.g. empowerment, multiplicative approach, etc.). A pilot project in selected after school care facilities started in the school year 2013/14.