Ongoing Projects
- Research and Development
Innovative seating mechanisms for better health
DetailsAs a follow-up project to the Dyn-Sit-Pain study, this research aims to investigate the overall health as well as the physical and mental well-being through dynamic office chairs. The development of an innovative dynamic office chair concept will be professionally and scientifically supported, and the developed prototypes will be examined within the framework of usability studies.
- Research and Development
MYBDY – Scientific support for developing a digital exercise database for physiotherapists
DetailsAs a follow-up to the project PROAKTIV4D, this study aims to scientifically develop a digital exercise database for physiotherapists. For selected diagnoses, a literature-based exercise selection will be made, and exercise plans will be created where possible, based on current evidence.
Physiotherapy during haemodialysis
DetailsFollowing a cooperation request a treaty was signed between medical staff of the Hemodialysis Ward (Steyr hospital), the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Steyr hospital) and the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. This cooperation comprises of six bachelor theses, proposals are already accomplished. Currently, the students are writing their theses, which should be finished at the end of January 2025.
- Healthcare and Nursing Research and Development
Positive aspects of working with people with dementia from the perspective of early-career nurses in Austria – A qualitative study
DetailsThere is a large and even growing need for qualified nurses to provide high-quality care for people with dementia in the healthcare system. At the same time, studies show that nursing students have low preferences working in dementia care.
- Physiotherapy Research and Development
Physiotherapy students’ preferences regarding their future employment and factors influencing employment decisions: A mixed methods study (What WorX)
DetailsRecruiting physiotherapists and timely filling vacancies are challenging for inpatient healthcare facilities. Understanding potential applicants’ preferences regarding future employment is crucial for making job offers and work conditions more attractive.
Communication skills in people with dementia - A scoping review of assessment tools and psychometrics (CoSDe)
DetailsAssessment tools to evaluate the communicative abilities of people with dementia for healthcare professionals: a scoping review.
People with dementia are already affected by impairments in their communication skills in the early stages of the disease. This can lead to misunderstandings in daily communicative situations with relatives or carers. These problems in social interactions lead to people with dementia reducing their social contacts and participating less in leisure activities. Relationships, including with family members, can be difficult to maintain and lead to social withdrawal, which can negatively impact the quality of life of those affected and their relatives. One way of counteracting social withdrawal is to intensify the communication opportunities offered by family members or carers. To maintain dialogue, it is crucial to specifically collect and assess communication skills.
Eccentric training modalities to affect joint range of motion and flexibility in the rehabilitation process of lower limb musculoskeletal disorders: a scoping review.
DetailsThe objectives of this scoping review are 1) to provide a comprehensive overview of the current evidence on eccentric training modalities and flexibility, joint range of motion and/or fascicle length in the rehabilitation process of lower limb musculoskeletal disorders; 2) to describe in detail the modalities of training including dosage of eccentric training during the specific tissue healing phases; and 3) to identify the need for future research.
Technical quality control for ultra-low-dose imaging and quantitative evaluation of clinical dual energy imaging with energy-integrated detector computer tomography in comparison with clinical photon-counting detector computer tomography
DetailsClinical computed tomography (CT) is a highly established diagnostic imaging tool in healthcare. Due to its high impact on medical diagnosis and therapy planning, the technology is evolving rapidly. ALARA (“As low as reasonably achievable”) in terms of radiation exposure for medical purposes with the primary intention to bring health benefits to the individual is one of the most important principles for acquiring medical images with radiation exposure. Hence, the optimization of image acquisition is an important part of clinical practice and is declared within the medical radiation protection regulation (§4 (1) MedSchV). In addition, the medical radiation regulation expels reference values for diagnostic CT imaging as a minimum requirement in clinical practice. However, due to new hardware technologies in computer tomography scanners as well as new acquisition and reconstruction techniques of imaging data the potential reduction of radiation exposure in medical CT imaging expands. Furthermore, especially with the availability of integrated photon counting detectors into clinical scanners, enhanced quantitative approaches lead to better tissue characterization and can add additional diagnostic information to raise the disease prognosis.
WORK FORce HEALTH & TOURISM: Sustainable strategies for the development of skilled workers in thermal and health destinations in Bavaria and Austria (BA0100029)
DetailsThermal spa and health destinations in the Bavarian-Austrian program area as well as the entire health tourism industry are suffering massively from an enormous shortage of skilled workers. At least since the Covid-19 pandemic many specialists have left their companies, regions or even their industries ꟷ individual destinations can no longer solve these challenges on their own.
It is therefore important to join forces to counteract this exodus with sustainable strategies and measures in order to (re)gain urgently needed professionals and retain them within the companies in the long run, to improve current trainings and to continue education programs in line with demands, and to make the basic working and living conditions in the destinations more attractive.
Professional Identity Development in Austrian Physio-, Occupational and Speech and Language Therapists – a mixed method investigation
DetailsProfessional Identity (PI) has been defined as an ongoing transformative evolutionary process. PI is the adoption of specific beliefs, attributes and (ethical) values and experiences to become a member of a profession or the way individuals „think and act in line with the… group, … expressed by normative behaviour and loyalty”. Lacking clarity of PI can lead negatively to a professional’s attenuated perceived self-value, can weaken the profession itself and the confidence in performing her/his role. On the other hand, a well-developed concept of one’s PI can lead to enhanced professional confidence and a better exercise of the profession chosen.
The influence of material deprivation and social inequality on pregnancy and birth
DetailsDifferential analysis indicates that social inequality leads to health inequality and poverty is considered a co-founder in many health care settings. This project aims to present the impact of material deprivation on maternal and neonatal obstetric outcomes.
- Occupational Therapy Research and Development
Effect of dynamic sitting on pain development in adult pain developers in sedentary environments – a randomized controlled cross-over trial
DetailsWorksite based prolonged static sitting postures can cause musculoskeletal pain. While the development of pain increases due to the constant growth of digitalization at work, numerous interventions to reduce prolonged sitting periods have been created. The effects of such interventions have not yet been properly examined. Thus, the "DynSit-Pain" project was initiated to investigate the influence of dynamic sitting on the pain development of pain developers in office environments.
Technical implementation and feasibility of diagnostic MRI of the lung
DetailsThe diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD) due to its complex pathologic mechanisms and similar clinical features is quite difficult to achieve. A possible approach to track local changes in lung tissue can be radiological imaging, commonly through high resolution computed tomography (HRCT). However, due to the complex character of ILDs, results from HRCT are limited because of the occurrence of similar radiological features and the lack of defining exposed tissue caused by inflammation.