Tuition fees and student union-fee
Tuition fee
At the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria € 363,36 per semester will be levied for all degree students of the bachelor- and master study programmes in accordance with § 2 (2) FHStG (University of Applied Sciences Study Act). This does not apply for Erasmus+ students.
Student union-fee
The student union-fee for all matriculated and external students (also students within Erasmus+, students with foreign certificates, EEA-applicants, course participants) currently amounts to € 24,70 per semester.
Course fees
Course fees are levied for higher education courses at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. Participants of the higher education courses are student union members, which means that the student union fee is to be paid per semester.
Details to the course fees can be found under the information to the individual courses and programmes.
As a rule students under 27 years at the University of Applied Sciences can be insured with their parents and also have an accident insurance via the student union fee. For further information please contact your social insurance provider.
Other costs
Initially students incur costs for rent, living, transport etc. they must also reckon with further expenses such as work material, specialist literature, scripts, copy- and printing costs, excursions etc.
Students at the University of Applied Science for Health Professions Upper Austria can – just like students at university – apply for state benefits and grants.
Further information: Studienbeihilfebehörde (Study Grant Authority) Linz, Phone: +43 (0)732 66 40 31
Students at the University of Applied Science for Health Professions Upper Austria can apply for merit-based scholarships.
Upper Austria nursing scholarship
Students of the Bachelor degree programme in Health and Nursing can apply for a monthly nursing scholarship of EUR 600, provided they do not receive any subsistence benefits from the AMS.
The application form can be found on the following website: Oö. Pflegestipendium -
The training of the nursing professions was reorganized through the amendment to health and nursing care. Nursing professionals are now being trained as a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies with professional qualifications in health and nursing. In order to counteract the great need for skilled workers in the field of health and nursing care, a unique implacement foundation model was designed in Upper Austria for people changing and returning to the profession. "Implacement Foundation" means qualification measures to train sought-after specialists for the needs (in this case for health and nursing). Cooperation partners are the legal entities of the hospitals, the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, the respective implacement foundation and the employment service.
A prerequisite for anyone interested in the foundation is to register with the Public Employment Service as a job seeker. The previous employment relationship was terminated by the employer or terminated by mutual agreement. The foundation applicant must provide evidence of at least 52 weeks employment prior to termination of the employment relationship. There is no age limit with this financing model.
With this funding model, students have the following entitlement to benefits during their studies:
- Foundation unemployment benefit in the amount of the unemployment benefit entitlement
- Full insurance through the labor market service
- monthly "training-related grant" - currently in the amount of € 200, -
- possibly mileage allowance
- Exemption from tuition fees
Every year, a contingent of funded study places is available at the locations of the Upper Austrian University of Applied Sciences in Health Care where the Bachelor's degree in health and nursing is offered (Linz, Wels Steyr, Ried, Vöcklabruck).
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Mag.a Heide Maria Jackel MBA
Head of Degree Programme, Regional Management, Curia Head of Degree Programme