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Company: FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ GmbH
Adress: Semmelweisstraße 34/D3, 4020 Linz
Phone.: 050 344/20000
Fax: 050 344/20099
Mail: office(at)
Company Registration: 341992 f
Court of Registry: Landesgericht Linz
UID: ATU65605302
Power of Representation: MMag.a Bettina Schneebauer, Managing Director
Powers of attorney: Mag.a Sylvia Öhlinger, Head of University Developmnent, Head of the Council, Head of Research & Development
Media owner and Publisher: FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ GmbH
Business Purpose: establishment, operation und maintenance of the university of applied sciences and courses for health professions eduation
- 52,500% Oberösterreichische Gesundheitsholding GmbH (gespag)
- 27,330% Kepler Universitätsklinikum GmbH
- 20,170% OÖ. Ordensspitäler Koordinations GmbH (OSKG)
Pictures: Photo credit, unless otherwise stated: University of Applied Sciences Health Professions Upper Austria / Werner Leutner, fotolia, iStock, AdobeStock
Concept, design and technical implementation: Fredmansky
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