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Manual Lymph drainage for Children with Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome: A Case Report

The Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome is a rare congenital development disorder of the vessels, which are linked with multiple vessel malformations in the arterial, venous and lymphatic area. Due to the rarity of the disease there is currently very little evidence on treatments and the majority of these are in the form of Case Reports.

Term: 27.04.2016 — 26.09.2018

The Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome is a rare congenital development disorder of the vessels, which are linked with multiple vessel malformations in the arterial, venous and lymphatic area. Due to the rarity of the disease there is currently very little evidence on treatments and the majority of these are in the form of Case Reports.

The recommended treatment methods include symptomatic (compression therapy) and interventional forms of therapy (sclerosing of the dilated varicose veins). Manual lymph drainage from the physiotherapy spectrum is a further therapeutic possibility.

This should introduce the case of a (currently) 12 month-old girl, who suffers from a congenital Klippel-Trenaunay-Syndrome of the right upper extremity and of the right axillary lymphatic tributary trunk region. She has been treated for seven months on a weekly basis with manual lymph drainage and with compression therapy using bandages. Her mother was instructed to apply the compressions daily.

The course of the treatment is documented 1 x month by means of measuring the circumference and length of the extremity as well as by means of photos. Due to the age of the patient and the rarity of the disease it would seem interesting and reasonable to document and publish the course and efficiency of the therapy.

  • Project team: Margit Eidenberger, Andrea Bögl
  • Partner: LKH (State Hospital) Steyr, Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation