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Active participation in the European Higher Education Area and the strengthening of international networks in the health education field are among the most important strategic goals of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. Since its foundation in 2010, significant steps have been set.

The University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria is working in accordance with the aim of offering the best quality in theoretical and practical training and thus promoting the skills development of future employees in the health sector and its various institutions to a high standard. For this reason, networking with international educational institutions and companies is an important quality characteristic for us.The aim is to implement innovation through knowledge transfer in the training for the health sector. Thanks to international exchanges new skills for new jobs are identified and evaluated, thus achieving a higher flexibility in the labour market.

Erasmus Charter

Erasmus Charter 2021-2027 awarded to the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria

Erasmus+ Student Charter

Erasmus+ Student Charter


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