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Study programmes

At the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria students can complete eight Bachelor-Programmes, two Master-Programmes and one Master-Course as well as Higher Education Courses. These study programmes are offered only in German language. The longstanding experience of the teaching team and the hospitals, speakers from the working field and internships in health care facilities all ensure that the education and training have a strong basis of expert and scientific know-how and an intensive cooperation between research and teaching. Furthermore extensive cultural and recreational facilities, a wide variety of gastronomic and various residential possibilities, as well as the best infrastructure offers the students an optimum study environment with high living quality at all three locations of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions in Upper Austria.

As mentioned above the University is divided into five different locations which are situated in Linz, Steyr, Wels, Ried and Vöcklabruck. The region is called „Upper Austria“.

If you are interested in becoming a regular Student at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, applicants are encouraged to read the study requirements in detail. Please have in mind, that all our programmes are offered in German language only. Sufficient knowledge of the German language (minimum B2) is therefore required. More information about the study programmes can be found here.

Erasmus Traineeship

In frame of University collaborations international students have the opportunity to complete an internship in the health sector in Upper Austria. In the beginning international trainees are accompanied by “Buddies” in order to organize their arrival and to meet local students. Requests should be sent by the responsible staff of the respective partner university to the International

Deadlines & information at a glance

The fact sheet provides information for partner universities and includes information about application and nomination deadlines.

Academic year

Here you can find relevant dates of the study year, which consists of two semesters (winter semester and summer semester).

Language skills

If you plan to start studying at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, you have to consider that most courses are only offered in German language. Therefore a minimum level of B2 (on the basis of the Common European Reference Framework) is necessary.

Similar conditions regarding language skills also apply for Erasmus traineeships organised by the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. Depending on the field of activity and the host institution language skills of German and/or English on level B2 are required. Please, evaluate your own competence of the German and/or English language, before applying for a study programme or Erasmus traineeship at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria.
Possibilities for organising German courses on your own can be found in our Welcome Guide.


  • OEAD: The OEAD Housing Office arranges accommodations in regional student halls of residence for a small fee. If you want assistance in getting a room in a student dorm, you can contact them (, Phone: +43 (0) 1 53408 800) or get in touch with our International Office.
  • Student dorms: You can arrange a room in a student dorm by yourself.
  • Private accommodation: If you want to find a flat or a room in a shared flat, the following page is recommended: (Website of the Austrian Student Union Linz; here you find ads for shared flats and more.)
  • Sometimes low-priced accommodation might be available directly at the study locations of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria. For further information please contact

Registration place of residence

All people living in Austria have to register their place of residence with the registration office after moving to Austria and also after moving back home.

The following deadlines need to be considered:

  • Registration of residence: within 3 days of moving in
  • Cancellation of the registration: between 3 days before and 3 days after moving out

If you are going to live in a student dorm, check with them, if they register you automatically at the registration office, or if you have to do that on your own.

Following institutions are responsible for the registration:

Visa/entry requirements

All students with foreign nationality who want to study in Austria need a valid travel document and, if required, an additional entry or residence permit. Please make sure that your travel document is valid for the whole duration of your stay.

Here you can find detailed information about entry and residence permit provided by the OEAD and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

In future, non-EU citizens will have to register in the Entry-Exit-System (EES) or European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) for stays in many EU countries, including Austria, depending on their country of origin/length of stay. Information on the requirements, the procedure and the necessary documents can be found at Travel-Europe.

Living in Upper Austria

Upper Austria is the fourth largest province of the nine Austrian provinces. The capital city is Linz. Other important cities are Wels and Steyr. The Danube River, which flows from west to east, divides Upper Austria into two parts. Upper Austria is a beautiful region which combines green hilly landscapes, lakes and rivers as well as high mountains and therefore offers many possibilities for leisure and sport activities. Furthermore, the cities in Upper Austria offer a range of cultural and leisure Entertainment.

Check out our Welcome Guide, which contains useful information about Upper Austria, the cities and more important information for organising your stay here!