Bologna and the European Higher Education Area
The objective of the Bologna process is to create a common European Higher Education Area and to bring about a harmonization of all European higher education systems.´
At our University of Applied Sciences the health professionals study architecture was designed in accordance with the Bologna criteria and implemented in the following Points:
- Establishing a system of understandable and comparable degrees (Bachelor and Master)
- Transparency of course content using the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), the modularization of the curriculum and the Diploma Supplement
- Improving the mobility of students – the curricula include one semester as a time window for an internship or study abroad
- Promotion and recognition of the mobility of teachers and university staff
- Recognition of degrees and study periods
- Ensuring quality standards at national and European Level
- For the purpose of institutional quality the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria is committed to the continuing process of course development
- Cooperation between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area
- Integration of people from different cultures and with special needs
Diploma Supplement
The Diploma Supplement is a university degree and is a European standardized document. This provides information on the nature of the study courses, the content and requirements and classifies the degree in the national higher education System.
This is intended to improve international transparency and facilitate the academic and professional recognition of qualifications. The Diploma Supplement describes the completed course in more detail.
All students of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria receive a Diploma Supplement automatically and free of charge upon graduation together with their degree certificate.
ECTS - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
ECTS is a learner-centered system for credit accumulation and transfer based on the transparency of learning outcomes and learning processes. It is aimed at students and is based on the quantity of work to be done in order to successfully complete a degree program. These objectives are specified in terms of learning outcomes and skills to be acquired. The workload of a student is evaluated in ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
- 1 ECTS corresponds to a workload of 25 hours
- 30 ECTS credits are awarded for one academic Semester
- 180 credits to be achieved for the acquisition of the Bachelor of Science for Health Professions
- 120 ECTS credits are required for the acquisition of the master program
ECTS is based on the agreement that the workload of a full-time student during one academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS. It is based on the amount of work from 1500 to 1800 hours per academic year. The workload refers to the time it takes for the students on average to achieve the required learning outcomes and includes all activities that are broadly part of study: attending lectures, integrated courses, seminars, tutorials, work experience, self-study, exam preparation, participation in examinations, etc.. ECTS will be awarded only if the student has performed sufficiently well in acquiring knowledge and satisfactory skills during the course. Objectives of the ECTS System:
- Transparency and comparability of different education Systems
- Facilitate cooperation between European institutions
- Improve the recognition of academic and professional qualifications
- Facilitate mobility