The final degrees of all study progammes at the Universtiy of Apllied Sciences for Health Professiona Upper Austria correspond to the European Bologna Structures and are recognized internationally. Graduates therefor have excellent job prospects at home and abroad.
Bachelor Degree
The Bachelor Degree is a first cycle degree which offers the professional after six semester of study. In order to receive the Bachelor Degree, students need to write two Bachelor thesies and undergo one oral Bachelor exam.
The Bachelor Degree awarded is called „Bachelor of Science in Health Studies“ (BSc).
Master Degrees
Requirement for the completion of a relevant Master Programme, is an relevant University of Applied Science-Bachelor study or similar study at an accepted post-secondary national or foreign educational facility. A Master Programme normally takes 4 semesters to be completed. In order to receive the Master Degree, students need to write one Master thesies and undergo one oral Master exam.
The Master Degree awarded is called „Master of Science in Health Studies“ (MSc).
Requirement for the completion of a relevant Master Course is a Bachelor study with training as a health professions (e.g. – health care and nursing, nursing, biomedical science, occupational therapy, midwifery, speech therapy, physiotherapy, radiological technology), a Bachelor or completion of a higher study in the health sector or ceompletion of a training in the higher medical-technical field or midwifery. The Master Course normally takes 4 semesters to be completed. Students need to write one Master thesis and undergo one oral Master exam.
The Master Course Degree awarded is called “Master of Health Professions Education" (MHPE).
Higher Education Courses
The professional prerequisite for the advanced training courses in nursing is a professional qualification in the higher service for healthcare and nursing. The Higher Education Courses last three semesters and end with a final examination before a committee (written final thesis and oral final examination).
They conclude with the title "Academic Ecpert" (e.g. in Paediatric and Adolescent Care).