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Elke Neuhold MA

Elke Neuhold MA

Academic Staff, Media didactics coordination
studiengang Physiotherapie
Telefonnummer +43 50 344 26230
Elke Neuhold (Fotocredit: FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ)

Completed research projects

by Elke Neuhold MA
  • Motion analysis for eHealth and mHealth

    Term: 01.10.2020 — 31.12.2021

    In addition to the increasing use of digital technologies in healthcare, there is also an increased use of health apps in private life. A common focus of digital solutions is often on promoting physical activity or improving musculoskeletal complaints. To develop these digital solutions, companies need knowledge and the latest findings in the fields of anatomy, physiotherapy and motion analysis. According to the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, the FFG qualification seminar "Moving" contributes to the improvement of existing digital solutions and the development of new innovations.

  • Health Promotion for Senior Citizens via a Digital Exercise Programme

    Term: 01.01.2016 — 30.06.2019

    Fitness Trackers and Fitness Apps have rapidly gained popularity during the last five years. As part of our research focus on assistive technology, project „New Generation“ investigates, how smart phone appliances can contribute to health promotion for elderly persons by increasing physical activity levels. According to WHO recommendations, older adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity per week.

  • “Activity in after school care ” - Evaluation of the practicability of a physical activity program

    Term: 01.04.2012 — 31.12.2014

    The decrease in physical activity among children in developed societies and the consequential long-term effects on health and development is a major challenge already today and for the future. The Upper Austrian Department of Health, in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions (Physiotherapy Program), has therefore drafted a physical activity program for after school care, based on the general criteria of health promotion (e.g. empowerment, multiplicative approach, etc.). A pilot project in selected after school care facilities started in the school year 2013/14.
