Time4me - Meaningful leisure-time activities of children and adolescents: occupational balance as a basis to improve health-related quality of life
In this project, we focussed on the meaningful leisure-time activities of 10 to18 year old children and adolescents. Within the scope of a co-operation with the “Khevenhüller Gymnasium Linz”, we reviewed the following questions: How do 10-18 year olds spend their time (especially their leisure time), do they experience occupational balance, does this have an effect on their well-being?
In this project, we focussed on the meaningful leisure-time activities of 10 to18 year old children and adolescents. Within the scope of a co-operation with the “Khevenhüller Gymnasium Linz”, we reviewed the following questions: How do 10-18 year olds spend their time (especially their leisure time), do they experience occupational balance, does this have an effect on their well-being? Thus, time use, leisure-time activities, activity pattern, occupational balance, and the health-related quality of life of children and adolescents were explored. This provided a basis in understanding meaningful leisure activities for this age group.
The collected data forms the basis of an analysis by the pupils – in cooperation with researchers – to reconsider leisure activities, time management, health resources and health-enhancing behaviour. Consequently, pupils drew conclusions for better ways to use their time, especially leisure time.
- Wiesinger C, Ruckser-Scherb R (2019). Wie verbringen Jugendliche ihre Zeit? – Analyse von Time-use Tagebüchern mit dem Fokus auf der individuellen Freizeitgestaltung Jugendlicher im Alter von 16 und 17 Jahren. How do adolescents spend their time? Analysis of time-use diaries focusing on the individual leisure activities of adolescents at the age of 16 and 17. Ergoscience 14(2)
- Ruckser-Scherb R, Dielacher S (2019). Analyse der Zeitverwendung Fachhochschulstudierender als Grundlage für Gesundheitsmanagement 13. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Wiener Neustadt, http://ffhoarep.fh-ooe.at/handle/123456789/1287
- Ruckser-Scherb R (2018). Wie verbringen Studierende ihre Zeit? Eine Time-use Analyse. 3 Länder Tagung Visions, Klagenfurt, https://conference.aau.at/event/148/session/18/contribution/69/material/0/0.pdf
- Ruckser-Scherb R, Croes T, Hartl L, Kagerer J, Zöchbauer S, Lettner K (2018). Erlebte Stressoren und angewandte Copingstrategien von 16 bis 18 jährigen SchülerInnen Auswirkungen auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und Betätigungsbalance. 21. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der ÖGPH, Wien, p 101
- draft: Ruckser-Scherb R, Schwartz B, Lettner K (2020). Time-use and health related quality of life. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy
- draft: Ruckser-Scherb R, Lettner K (2020). Foster resilience through time-use analysis. 2. COTEC-ENOTHE Congress, Prague/ Czech Republic
Project team
FH-Prof.in Dr.in Renate Ruckser-Scherb MSc MEd
Academic Staff, Research Coordinator, Curia Academic Staff, Scientific member of the institutional ethics board