Nutrition Survey 2016 – Survey of the nutritional status of adults in Austria
Every four years a survey of the nutritional status of adults in Austria is carried out. A continual nutrition survey makes it possible to observe and document developments and trends of the nutritional state. The continual nutritional survey is a support for decisions in politics, business and science.
Every four years a survey of the nutritional status of adults in Austria is carried out. A continual nutrition survey makes it possible to observe and document developments and trends of the nutritional state. The continual nutritional survey is a support for decisions in politics, business and science.
The goal of the project was the implementation of the survey for the Austrian Nutrition Survey 2016. The Austrian Nutrition Survey is generated by the Department for Nutrition of the University in Vienna by the order of the government for Health.
The survey focused on the evaluation of the nutrient intake of the Austrian Adults (18 – 65 years).
The Bachelor Programme of Dietetics at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria performed this survey. About 200 people were interviewed in Upper Austria.
Link to the homepage to the nutrition survey 2016:
(the link/the survey is not available in English)
The outcome is for the assessment of the nutritional and health status of the Austrian people.
The Austrian nutrition survey 2016 should give a general view of the nutrition state of Austrian people.
All in all, 2,000 people were assessed in Austria.
- further Project team: Marianne Tammegger
Project team
Mag.a Elisabeth Farmer
Academic Staff, International Coordinator