Motherhood with disability – women with motoric-, sensory- or language impairments in obstetrics
The aim of this project is, on the one hand, to establish to which extent special service- and support offers and structural measures were implemented in the obstetrics departments in Austria, in order to be able to guarantee both barrier-free access and equal care for women with disabilities and on the other to analyse the obstetric care, advice and nursing care of the women affected. The project is being carried out in cooperation with the FH Gesundheit Tirol (University of Applied Sciences for Health in Tyrol) and with the support of the Austrian Midwives Board.
The aim of this project is, on the one hand, to establish to which extent special service- and support offers and structural measures were implemented in the obstetrics departments in Austria, in order to be able to guarantee both barrier-free access and equal care for women with disabilities and on the other to analyse the obstetric care, advice and nursing care of the women affected. The project is being carried out in cooperation with the FH Gesundheit Tirol (University of Applied Sciences for Health in Tyrol) and with the support of the Austrian Midwives Board.
Publications/Lecturing activities:
- Schildberger, B., Ortner, N., Zenzmaier, C., & König-Bachmann, M. (2016). Chancengleiche Versorgung in der Geburtshilfe–Eine quantitative Erhebung zur Barrierefreiheit an geburtshilflichen Abteilungen in Österreich. Zeitschrift für Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 220(02), 74-80.
- Schildberger B, Zenzmaier C, König-Bachmann M(2016): Erfahrungen von Müttern mit motorischer oder sensorischer Beeinträchtigung während Schwangerschaft/Geburt und Wochenbett. Online im Internet. [Stand: 25.04.2016]
Project team Barbara Schildberger MA
Head of Degree Programme, Research Coordinator, Curia Head of Degree Programme, Diversity Officer