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FIT for Lab – Research, innovation and technology in the laboratory for staff working in doctors' surgeries

In the context of demographic change with an increase in medical services and at the same time a demand for a cost-efficient and affordable healthcare system, it is important to optimize processes. This also applies to laboratory analyses, which make an important contribution to patient care.

Term: 01.11.2020 — 31.01.2022

In the context of demographic change with an increase in medical services and at the same time a demand for a cost-efficient and affordable healthcare system, it is important to optimize processes. This also applies to laboratory analyses, which make an important contribution to patient care. In the laboratory analysis process, the preparatory measures, which are referred to as preanalytics, are a significant source of error. The majority of these measures are not carried out in the laboratory, but at the location where the sample is taken. In the “FIT for Lab” qualification seminar, the bachelor programme Biomedical Science focuses on this close connection between preanalytical processes and laboratory results.

The aim of the 40-hour seminar, which is tailored to the needs of the participating companies, is to expand the skills of medical practice staff and thus to improve the quality of samples and results of laboratory analyses and optimize costs in the practices. For this purpose, current research results, digitalisation tools and innovations along the analysis process are presented, potential for change in the companies is identified and action strategies for participants are derived. "FIT for Lab" intends to increase quality, effectiveness and efficiency in the interests of patients and promotes research cooperations between the research and educational institution University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, the staff of practitioners and the laboratory institutes.

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (bmdw) and is carried out within the programme R&D Competences for Industry of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Project Team
