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  • Type Bachelor Programme (full-time)
  • Duration 6 Semester
  • Locations Linz
FH Hebammen 29 09 2022 119 bearb RGB

Job description

Midwives work as a partner with women and ensure they receive the necessary support, care and advice during the pregnancy and birth as well as during the puerperium. They manage the birth autonomously and offer the new born and/or the baby care. The work of the midwives includes preventative measures, the support of the normal birth, the recognition of complications for mother and child, the guarantee of all the necessary medical treatment or other appropriate support as well as the execution of emergency measures.

The midwife accepts an important task in the health protection for the women she is looking after, but also within the family and society. This work includes, for example, the fields of family planning, parenthood, recovery, development of the child and breastfeeding.

The job of midwifery offers varied and challenging daily work. It is of course a demanding job, which requires great sensitivity.

Business field

  • Hospitals (Delivery wards, puerperium, neonatal ward, prepartale, obstetrics ward)
  • freelance work
  • surgery
  • group practice

Possibilities of further education

The completion of this Bachelor-Programme entitles the graduate to participate in professional, but also in management or pedagogical Master Programmes in the field of the health professions. It is also possible to do further master and doctorate studies in Austria or abroad.