Healthcare and Nursing
The graduate has fundamental knowledge in particular in the fields of anatomy, physiology, pathology, as well as further medical specialist fields in healthcare and nursing - recognises and describes life-threatening situations as such and takes the necessary measures until the doctor arrives – in the case of nursing interventions, is subject to the criteria of the general and specific hospital hygiene and can justify and apply their strategies according to the situation - determines the infection risk and the hygienic requirements and can advise people or families with respect to the promotion, preservation and restoration of health as well as the prevention of illness in the field of social hygiene – recognises dangers and health risks at the workplace caused by unhygienic work, assesses these and passes this information on – explains the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases – explains measures to the patients on the possible effects of functional impairment, injury, disease and diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages – derives, based on his/her scientific and medical knowledge, pathological changes and anomalies in people of all ages – applies supporting therapy observation- and monitoring measures with the help of selected standardised measuring techniques, devices and assistive aids and documents the results ensuring quality – interprets, using his/her knowledge about cells and tissue, normal and pathological conditions in the field of oncology and understands these in the context of nursing consequences – applies the anatomical-physiological-pathological knowledge from the integument to skin observation and recognises abnormalities from the normal skin condition – understands, based on their anatomical-physiological-pathological knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, the functionality of back-friendly work and recognises deviations in the locomotor system, which require an intervention – applies knowledge from the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the nervous system in healthcare and nursing for: clinical observation, recognition of pathological changes and deviations from overall health – responds, based on their scientific-medical knowledge of the sensory organs, to situations with people with hearing- and sight impairments – uses the knowhow about the normal functions of the endocrine system to understand pathological processes in the hormonal balance – has, based on his/her anatomical-physiological-pathological knowledge of the blood- and immune system, a better understanding for diseases in this field and reacts accordingly in terms of nursing – understands, based on their scientific and medical knowledge of the cardio-vascular system, deviations from overall health – applies the knowledge concerning the normal functions of the respiratory system to understand pathological processes in respiration – applies the anatomical-physiological-pathological knowledge of the digestive system to recognise pathological changes and to correctly carry out nursing interventions – influences, based on their knowledge of dietetics, him/herself and others with regard to eating habits – understands on the basis of the scientific and medical knowledge of the urinary system, deviations in the fluid-, electrolyte and acid-based balance – applies their knowledge of the reproductive systems, the development and gene heredity to understand pathological processes in pregnancy and at birth and interprets these with regard to the appropriate nursing care
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- Content:
- Introduction to anatomy and physiology of the human body (definitions, levels of the structural organisation, homeostasis, fluid compartments, feedback system, terminology, levels and sections, body cavities and regions)
- Chemical organisational level
- Cellular organisational level incl. genetics and homeostasis malfunctions
- Organisational level of tissue incl. homeostasis malfunctions
- Integument
- Support and movement (bone tissue, extremities and trunk, joints, muscle tissue, muscles)
- Control systems (nerve tissue, central- and peripheral nervous system, autonomous nervous system, stimulus- and sense physiology, neurobiology, endocrine system)
- Supply and disposal (blood, cardiovascular system, lymph system and immunity, respiratory- and digestive system, metabolism and nutrition, urinary system, fluid-, electrolyte- and acid-based balance)
- Reproductive systems, development and genetics
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - General causes and disease progression
- Tasks and examination methods in pathology
- Pathology of the basic structures
- Cell- and tissue reactions
- Principles of immune response
- Genetic mechanisms
- General tumour pathology
- Circulation pathology
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Energy needs, nutritional pyramid, composition of nutrition, Body-Mass-Index, Waist to hip ratio, diet type catalogue, malnutrition, diet forms (Diabetes mellitus, …measures for constipation, diarrhoea)
- Introduction to the medical-nursing terminology
- Consolidation: nervous system (blood supply, cerebrospinal fluid, regulation centres), intertwined control circuits in the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system and urinary system (e.g. osmoregulation), hormonal system (neurosecretion), immune system (specific immune system and anti-bodies)
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Basic terms and tasks of infection-, hospital- and social hygiene, epidemiology, hospital infections
- Measures for infection prevention (hygienic requirements for hospital units and hospital rooms, personal hygiene), prophylaxes, disinfection (hands, surfaces, devices, therapy aids, instruments etc.)
- Sterilisation, immunisation, behavioural measures when working with blood and biological material, disposal of problem substances)
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Current vaccination plan in Austria
- Transmission paths and transmission sources (infection sources)
- Hygienic requirements for hospital units and hospital rooms (hygiene plan, personal hygiene, hand hygiene, controls etc.)
- Practical exercises on hand-, surface, device-, therapy aid-and instrument disinfection etc.
- Hygiene measures at the workplace, disposal in the field of healthcare and nursing (waste disposal, handling of hospital clothing)
- Infectious patients, special infection protective measures of source isolation and protective isolation
- Principles of microbiology
- Principles of environmental hygiene
The graduate comprehends healthcare and nursing both as a human encounter and social mission – applies his/her professional actions according to the legal framework – takes human- and patient rights into consideration in healthcare and nursing and advocates their adherence – adequately assesses the danger of complications and emergency- as well as crisis situations and acts judiciously and/or recognises life-threatening conditions, gives First Aid and takes immediate measures until the doctor arrives – explains the possible effects of functional impairment, injury, disease and diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages – assesses the level of care for those affected and their reference systems in dealing and coping with crises - applies diagnosis and supporting therapy observation – and monitoring measures with the help of selected standardised measuring techniques, devices and assistive aids and documents the results ensuring quality – recognises overlapping multi-discipline, occupational- and professional approaches in the solution of health problems, describes the necessity of multi-discipline and inter-professional cooperation – is aware of his/her role in the framework of professional development
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Professions in healthcare and nursing, midwives and MTD divisions, definition of health professions, professions of related professions
- Interdisciplinary nature – definition and explanation of terms; models
- ICF – International Classification of Functionality
- Disability and health
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Accident prevention
- Life-saving immediate measures
- Traumatological emergencies
- Haemorrhaging
- Toxicological emergencies
- Neurological emergencies
- Eye- and ENT-emergencies
- Further emergencies: electricity- and lightning accidents, drowning- and diving accidents, disorders caused by heat- and cold exposure, allergic and anaphylactic reactions
- Accident prevention (Fire-, radiation protection, catastrophe protection)
- Basic Life Support/Paediatric Life Support
- Defibrillation with semi-automatic devices
- Haemostasis
- Positioning
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Introduction: Legal term, legal system, public law
- Private law, European law
- Main features of labour law
- Professional laws in the healthcare sector in particular in healthcare- and nursing law, social profession law, medical assistant profession law, practitioners’ Act, MTD Law, Midwifery Law
- Hospitalisation Act
- Data Protection
- Main features of the social insurance law
- Main features of the paramedic law
- Federal Hospitals Act
- Public Authorities administration in the healthcare sector
- Drafting expert opinions – Legal aspects
- Nursing Home Residence Act
- Law on Family Matters
- Criminal and civil liability
The graduate explains the development of nursing theory - comprehends healthcare and nursing both as a human encounter and social mission and develops a reflected understanding of roles – has access to people which is characterised by empathy, respect and congruence – can establish a basis of trust and social relationship to people and develops understanding and tolerance for others – describes methods of patient observation, names the observation criteria and applies these according to his/her level of training – observes the health of the patient and informs of any pathological deviations, which require clarification, according to his/her level of training – is familiar with selected assessment instruments and applies these - derives diagnosed-based observation and monitoring measures with the help of selected standardised measuring techniques, devices and assistive aids and documents the results ensuring quality – is familiar with nursing interventions related to the given contents and can apply and discuss these in terms of patient autonomy versus standardised nursing interventions – is aware of his/her own responsibility in the implementation of the listed nursing interventions and can take nursing action in accordance with the legal framework of conditions – understands the nursing process as a two-way relationship- and problem-solving process and discusses the legal principles – is a positive perceptual model in terms of his/her behaviour – documents nursing-relevant data and information using given documentation systems – implements social relationships in the professional context and reflects on these
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 2,5
- Contents:
- - Selected care theories and models
- Feelings work in care/self-care/untrained care – role of the carer
- Patient observation
- Selected assessment instruments
- Selected prophylaxes
- Principles and physiological/pathological sleep changes and nursing interventions
- Principles and physiological/pathological consciousness changes and nursing interventions; changes in perception
- Principles and physiological/pathological nutritional changes and nursing interventions in the field of personal hygiene as well as fundamental knowledge on excretion
- Principles and physiological/pathological skin changes and nursing interventions
- Principles and physiological/pathological movement changes and nursing interventions as well as mobilisation according to the principles of kinaesthesia
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Patient observation
- Selected assessment instruments
- Selected prophylaxes
- Principles and physiological/pathological respiratory changes and nursing interventions
- Principles and physiological/pathological pulse and blood pressure changes and nursing interventions
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Legal principles regarding care documentation
- Care process as a relationship process and/or problem-solving process
- Patient autonomy versus standardised care
- Selected assessment instruments
The graduate is familiar with overall health in patients of all ages – is familiar with and applies nursing interventions related to the listed contents and in accordance with their level of training and uses anatomical, physiological and pathological knowledge - is familiar with and takes a critical approach to selected assessment instruments - develops problem awareness in connection with nursing interventions in the case of changes and impairments and assesses the extent of patient’s ability to care for him/herself – recognises personal boundaries, can assess them and identifies their assistance needs – respects the patient’s privacy, is mindful of their sense of closeness and distance as well as their feelings of shame – selects nursing interventions based on their nursing knowledge on defined contents – names and describes practice-relevant care models, theories and concepts and points out differences and similarities – develops an understanding, that care theories, models and concepts contribute to the professionalisation of their profession due to their scientific theoretical basis – understands pregnancy, birth and puerperium as a physiological process, justifies the situation of the parents-to-be in different cultural circles and recognises deviations, which require clarification or an intervention – carries out the pedagogic tasks such as instruction, advice and training in particular in accordance with the defined contents – can assess the possible effect of functional impairment, injury, disease and diagnostics and therapy for geriatrics and together with the affected patient or their reference system work towards a compensation of these effects and applies these to the situation accordingly – specifically selects healthcare and social professions for the interprofessional information exchange and carries out the dialogue professionally – accompanies and supports the patient or their reference system in the handling and dealing with functional impairment, geriatric illnesses and crises – outlines the action plan of mental First Aid and acts accordingly – applies his/her knowhow from the specific medical fields and presents a diagnosis and therapy process in accordance with the psycho-pathological disorder – carries out and documents measures to monitor psychiatric illnesses – adequately assesses the danger of complications and emergency- and crisis situations and acts judiciously and/or recognises life-threatening conditions, gives First Aid and carries out emergency measures until the doctor arrives – reflects on his/her own approach to people with psycho-pathological impairments and justifies principles and behavioural recommendations – argues the necessity of multidiscipline and interprofessional cooperation in the psychiatric setting and know his/her role – is familiar with the background, the intention and the fields of application of the nursing classification systems and can apply selected nursing classification systems.
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 2
- Contents:
- - Main features of age theories and models
- Gerontology in the interdisciplinary context
- Geriatric assessment
- Medical and nursing challenges in geriatrics
- Special features of gerontopsychiatric care
- Support concepts and care models in work with the elderly
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Patient observation
- Selected assessment instruments
- Pathological changes in thrombosis and nursing interventions as well as prophylactic measures
- Assessment and documentation of pain as well as non-medicinal pain management
- Dealing with people with hearing-, sight and perception impairments
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Patient observation
- Physiological/pathological changes in excretions and nursing interventions
- Principles of wound management
- Complementary nursing methods
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Psychiatric First Aid
- Depression
- Anxiety disorders
- Eating disorders
- Psychosis
- Substance abuse – dependence
- First Aid in mental (psychiatric) crisis situations
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Theoretical principles on the formation of classification systems
- National and international development tendencies
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Scientific-theoretical trends and individual advocates
- Development of nursing theories, models and concepts as well as professionalisation
- Classification of nursing theories and models
- Application in practice
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Pregnancy
- Situation of the parents-to-be from different cultural circles
- Birth preparation
- Mother-child-pass
- Initial care of the newborn after birth
- The healthy newborn baby
- Dealing with the new mother
- Bonding, interrupted bonding and re-bonding
- Development promotion
The graduate refers to the findings and methods of psychology, sociology and the healthcare sciences in healthcare promotion and prevention within the framework of healthcare and nursing – is familiar with the task spectrum of healthcare promotion/health education and prevention – explains what public health means and describes adequate theories – compares national with international data based on epidemiological principles – is familiar with the possible task spectrum of healthcare and nursing personnel in particular in schools, child care facilities, companies, communities and families and develops innovative concepts for their implementation in these sectors – contributes to the evaluation of health promoting as well as disease-preventing measures and strategies in situ and organises this evaluation him/herself - motivates, instructs and advises people, families and groups on health promoting and disease-preventing lifestyles – is familiar with general perioperative nursing measures and derives specific procedures for the acute clinical pictures – adequately plans the steps of the nursing process for acute clinical pictures in all life situations, including the patient and their reference systems, recognises the obligation for documentation and implements it – selects nursing interventions based on the entirety of their nursing knowhow as well as human preferences and resources – anticipates the possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the acute setting and works towards a compensation in cooperation with the patient or their reference systems – recognises the psychosocial need for support in people with acute clinical pictures in all life situations and derives the necessity for the inclusion of other healthcare and social professions – instructs people with acute illnesses, according to their needs, on the partial or complete self-care tasks and/or organises, if necessary, to take over the care tasks – recognises complex and problematic nursing situations in the acute and palliative setting and overcomes these practically in the job-related manner, if necessary including other healthcare and social professions – recognises the overall health condition of people of all ages with acute illnesses, observes deviations which require clarification or an intervention – is familiar with nursing- and therapy forms for acute pain and how to use them – is familiar with the legally-relevant stipulations in connection with medical diagnostics and therapy as well as regarding medical products and can deal with recommendations for action – decides in the situation, if he/she has the necessary expertise to carry out the doctor’s instructions and decides on their adoption bearing in mind the liability consequences in particular with regard to advertent and active negligence – carries out with regard to medical diagnostics and therapy in accordance with the professional legal regulations as well as on instruction the execution of medical tasks of the listed activities – and accepts the implementation responsibility, risks and complications, in the listed interventions, in the execution of diagnostically or therapeutically relevant interventions and nursing techniques for people of all ages – has the proficient and necessary skills, techniques and strategies for the execution of therapeutic and diagnostic measures following doctor’s instructions – encouragingly informs and comforts people or their reference systems about the necessary diagnostic or therapeutic measures, so that their fears and insecurities are dispelled – instructs people as appropriate to accept the partial or complete diagnostic or therapeutic measures – recognises the fundamental knowledge of normative ethics and ethics in the healthcare professions and addresses these in the multi-professional team – understand the philosophy in palliative care as a basic approach in the support and care of seriously-ill and dying people – determines the existing requirements, risks and resources in terms of the physical and mental aspects, while taking any socio-cultural aspects into consideration and can advise people or families in the palliative context – supports and accompanies the patient or their reference system in overcoming and dealing with functional impairments, illness, crises and the dying process -reflects his/her own values and norms as well as his/her own behavior and action in the palliative context – develops decision-making power and can convince the team of this decision – assesses the psychosocial demands of the palliative field of activity and deals with these constructively – recognises his/her own expert and personal possibilities and boundaries and applies personally-effective coping strategies when under stress – explains the individual experience, the subjective significance of pain and recognises the effects of chronic pain on behaviour and is familiar with the nursing- and therapy forms in the palliative setting – recognises life-threatening conditions, gives First Aid and takes life-saving immediate measures until the doctor arrives.
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Clarification of terms – organisation forms of palliative care facilities
- Behaviour and approach to the topic of saying goodbye, dying and death taking socio-cultural and spiritual aspects into consideration
- Needs of seriously-ill and dying people
- Psychodynamic process in connection with dying and death
- Communication in palliative care (e.g. provision of information/clarification in the terminal phase etc.)
- Psycho-hygiene of caregivers – dealing with emotions (anger, grief, aggression etc.)
- Support for relatives and next-of-kin
- Symptom- and pain management including the utilisation of complementary methods
- Grief (grief work and grief counselling)
- Dealing with the deceased
- Therapy retraction, assisted suicide, euthanasia and the legal situation nationally and internationally
- Patient decree and health care proxy
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Perioperative care
- Care in connection with therapy-induced mobility impairments
- Care in connection with acute vessel induced occurrences
- Care in connection with acute respiratory occurrences
- Care in connection with acute illnesses of the thyroid gland, stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, oesophagus and female genitals
- Acute pain
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Infusion therapy, injection therapy
- Peripheral vein access
- Central nervous access
- Capillary and venous blood samples
- Administration of medication (including patient-controlled analgesia = PCA, exception i.A. and epidural)
- Standardised diagnostic programmes
- Suction of upper airways including tracheostoma
- Dealing with drainage systems, probes, stitches and wound staples
- Treatment of acute wounds and wound infections
- Placing of girdles, orthoses and motion devices
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Assessment of critical situations including diagnostics and monitoring
- Emergency care management
- Ethical aspects of emergency care
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Term distinction: health promotion/health education, prevention and health competence
- Public health theories
- Epidemiological principles
- Public health in a national and international context
- Selected public health-oriented fields of action in nursing: public health nursing, family health nursing, school nursing
- Health education in social systems
- Employee protection – focus on company health promotion
The graduate adequately plans the steps in the nursing process in the case of chronic clinical pictures in all life situations, while including the patient and their reference system and recognises the obligation for documentation and implements it – anticipates the possible effects of functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy of people of all ages in the chronic setting and can work towards a compensation in cooperation with the patient and their reference systems – in the case of people with chronic clinical pictures in all life situations recognises the psychosocial need for support and derives the necessity for the inclusion of other healthcare and social professions - instructs people with acute illnesses, according to their needs, on the partial or complete self-care tasks and/or organises, if necessary, to take over the care tasks – recognises complex and problematic care situations in the chronic setting and deals with these in a profession-specific manner, if necessary including other healthcare and social professions – applies his/her knowhow in particular from the fields of anatomy, physiology and pathology as well as further specific medical fields in healthcare and nursing – forms a relationship of trust with people of all ages as well as families, in particular to promote compliance – can observe the integral condition of people of all ages with chronic diseases and recognize abnormalities which require clarification or an intervention – selects nursing interventions based on the entirety of his/her nursing knowledge as well as human preferences and resources while taking physical, mental, religious, spiritual as well as gender-specific aspects – supports and accompanies the patient and their reference system in the handling of as well as dealing with functional impairments, illness and crises – informs people or their reference system about the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures for chronic illnesses, so that their fears and/or insecurity are dispelled or reduced – takes part in interdisciplinary and interprofessional discourse and dialogue, brings nursing-relevant aspects and suggestions to preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative coordination processes with regards to people of all ages in the chronic context - assesses the psychosocial requirements in the chronic field of action and deals with this constructively – is familiar with the legally relevant stipulations in connection with medical diagnostics and therapy as well as with regard to medical products and can deal with recommendations for action – has the proficient and necessary skills, techniques and strategies to carry out - as prescribed by the doctor - the therapeutic and diagnostic treatment with regard to the listed contents – instructs people as required to a partial or complete adoption of diagnostic and therapeutic measures to the selected and listed contents – integrates central nursing concepts, models, theories, principles and procedures, methods and techniques following the critical examination of the situation and individual case in healthcare and nursing – determines the existing requirements, risks and resources in terms of the physical and mental aspects, while taking any socio-cultural aspects into consideration and plans advice for people or families on the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health as well as disease prevention in the given context – documents care-relevant data and information using existing documentation systems and evaluates the documentation quality according to verifiable standards – derives the necessity of a multidisciplinary multi-professional and inter-professional cooperation to solve health problems – can inform in the respective field of activity about the care-related regulation mechanisms and financing systems in the healthcare- and social care sector – can perceive his/her role in in the intra- and inter-professional team and can work closely and continuously with other professions – argues the implementation of nursing-specific organisation- and work forms in the different care settings or out-patient settings – recognises work processes and the process quality at the given interfaces of the respective out-patient-and functional areas – induces a clear and appropriate distribution of roles and functions in the multi-professional team using his/her fundamental knowledge of disease-, case- and care management – actively plans the supply chain for the support and treatment of people of all ages – explains the framework of conditions of a freelance professional practice – interprets the structure of the community – and family-related care as well as the development in the national and international context and discusses the fields of activity of the individual professional groups in an extramural care setting – recognises the need for information, the problems, resources and the need for action with regard to care needs as well as to healthcare and social services and shows solution possibilities from the healthcare and nursing point of view – has the fundamental knowledge about normative ethics and ethics in the health professions, can recognise and address ethical conflicts in the professional field of activity – understands nursing as a service in the healthcare- and social sector and adjusts these accordingly to the team and customer as well as economically – has an integrative attitude and an integrative understanding and can think and act systemically in a network and across the disciplines
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Principles of community- and family-related nursing – historic development in a national and international context
- Significance, organisation and fields of action of the individual professional groups in the extra-mural nursing- and care setting
- Concepts, theories and models and empiric findings of the community and family-related nursing
- Community- and family-related nursing in the context of integrated-care
- Introduction to understanding cases and diagnostics
- Caring relatives
- Violence in the home environment
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Medication adjustments
- Wound management
- Punctions
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3,5
- Contents:
- Changed living situation due to chronic illness
- Nursing in connection with changes in the vascular system
- Nursing in connection with mobility impairments
- Nursing in connection with seizure disorders
- Nursing in connection with metabolism disorders
- Nursing in connection with cardiovascular diseases
- Nursing in connection with changes in the respiratory tract
- Nursing in connection with changes in the digestive tract
- Nursing in connection with changes in the skin
- Nursing in connection with permanent hearing- and sight impairments
The graduate has fundamental knowledge of normative ethics and ethics in the healthcare professions and can recognise ethical conflicts in the professional field of activity, addresses them and develops solution possibilities in the nursing team or in the multi-professional team – observes the overall health condition of people of all ages and recognises abnormalities, which require clarification or an intervention – determines – using the nursing medical history as well as suitable assessment instruments the stage of development, the health risk factors and indicators, problems, requirements, needs, development potential and resources of people of all ages as well as of families while taking the cultural and ideological context into consideration and processes these in the nursing diagnostic process – formulates nursing targets, based on the nursing diagnosis made, together with the patient or with their reference system and plans the arising and necessary nursing interventions and strategies, whereby the wishes of the patient are taken into account and his/her dignity is maintained – selects nursing interventions based on the entirety of their nursing knowhow as well as human preferences and resources while taking into account physical, mental, religious, spiritual, social-cultural, gender-related as well as ethical aspects – recognises the need for people of all ages for psychosocial care, can - within the framework of the nursing process – fit this description or recognises if the inclusion of other healthcare and social professions is necessary – recognises complex and problematic nursing situations and overcomes and reflects on these in a professional manner if necessary including other healthcare and social professions – recognises – in the respective field of activity the obligation for documentation and implements it – has the proficient and necessary skills, techniques and strategies to carry out - as prescribed by the doctor - the therapeutic and diagnostic treatment with regard to the listed contents – is familiar with the legally relevant stipulations in connection with medical diagnostics and therapy as well as medical products and derives recommended action from this – takes part in interdisciplinary and inter-professional discourse and dialogue, brings nursing-relevant aspects and suggestions thereby accepting the specialist responsibility – weighs up to the best of his/her knowledge and belief decisions in dilemma situations, which result from the interplay of professional ethics, economicality and individuality – reflects on his/her own values and norms, as well as his/her own behaviour and action and can align these to the internationally recognised professional code – can reflect on professional and nursing situation in a concept- and theory-based manner, can evaluate with discernment and draw conclusions for his/her further professional action
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Significance of interdisciplinary case discussions
- Multidimensional case construction from contexts in the different nursing fields of activity
- Integration of nursing, economic, ethical, legal and organisational aspects
- Education of the affected groups
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Management of Port-A-Cath
- Stoma care
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Oncological challenges
- Cysto-static management
- Psycho-oncology
- Nursing in connection with tracheotomy patients
- Nursing in connection with therapeutically induced changes in body perception
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Nursing in connection with disorders of the urogenital tract
- Nursing in connection with kidney disorders
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Change processes in nursing and the benefit for healthcare institutions
- Change process in nursing - why is change so difficult for us?
- Using and realising changes processes in nursing – systemisation of change in terms of competitive advantage and quality increase
- Change management in nursing – international and national best practice examples e.g. in the field of primary nursing
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Fundamental medical understanding of dementia
- Professional nursing in the acute- and long-term field, dementia in the nursing process, caring relatives
- Person-oriented nursing according to selected nursing models
- Living room – living space
- Legal questions
- Nursing organisation
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Framework of healthcare targets Austria
- Healthcare target 3: “Increase healthcare competence among the population.”
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Consolidation: derivation of suitable research designs based on nursing-relevant and clinical questions
- Realisation of steps in the research process based on nursing-relevant and clinical questions
- Inhibitory- and supporting factors in the research process
- Research ethics and their players within the framework of clinical research (questions on/problems of research ethics, behaviour in research ethics, ethics commission, ethics committee)
- Consolidation: Study-specific project management (e.g. Time/process management, financing)
- Cooperation on research projects within the framework of the University of Applied Sciences
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Growth and development
- Possible childlike expressions
- Assessment of critical situations in the different age groups and adequate initial measures
- Breathing/circulation
- Heat and fluid balance
- Neurological situation
- Children and adolescents in crisis situations – principles
- Congenital malformation
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Communication with grieving relatives
- Children as grieving relatives
- Support for parents after death and stillbirth
- Palliative paediatrics
- Farewell rituals for relatives and the team
- Palliative sedation
- Challenging nursing situations – work out individual care concepts for patients and relatives based on scientific literature
- Identify dying and terminal care in all dimensions and process using practical examples
- Palliative-friendly furnishing
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Starting point of psychiatric care
- Fundamental approach to psychiatric care
- Evaluation – how does psychiatric care work?
- Fundamental approach to the relationship structure in the psychiatric setting
- Reflected action in the nursing context
- Daily tasks in psychiatric care
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory optional subject
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Classification of the wound types
- Consolidated material science
- Wound cleansing and microbiology
- Specific wound care (e.g. negative pressure therapy)
- Mechanisms of wound healing
- Nutrition in the case of chronic wounds
- Support measures in the case of chronic wounds (e.g. orthopaedic technology)
- Case- and care-management in the case of chronic wounds
The graduate uses his/her fundamental knowledge in business management as well as organisational theory, by deriving consequences for his/her work in the respective field of activity in the healthcare and nursing sector – is familiar - based on his/her knowhow of the important structures and institutions in the Austrian healthcare and social system and can understand the connections and recognise the different roles and tasks of the respective participants in this system – can give a conceptual overview of freelancing based on project management and on organisational and business principles – recognises work processes and process quality at the given interfaces of the respective service- and functional area and develops solution strategies – interprets structure-, process and result quality in nursing and cooperates with justification on the quality work in the respective institution – is familiar with the area of application as well as the principles, instruments and methods of project management and can plan, execute and evaluate simple nursing-related projects – documents nursing-relevant data and information using the given documentation systems and evaluates the quality of the documentation in accordance with verifiable standards – is familiar in the respective field of activity with his/her documentation obligations and implements them and is familiar with the link to quality management.
- Semester:
- 5
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Organisational structure and the economics of the healthcare sector (principle of health service charges)
- Institutions in the Austrian healthcare sector and their funders (intra- and extramural)
- Austrian healthcare and social policy on an international comparison
- Fundamental aspects of hospital management
- Fundamental economic aspects of freelancing
- Semester:
- 5
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Quality management principles and terms
- Quality concept in services, in medicine and from the point of view of the client
- Quality management systems in comparison
- Significance, aspects, possibilities and consequences of introducing a quality management system into professional practice
- Semester:
- 5
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Practical realisation of the quality management contents in the respective division
- Drafting nursing expertise in healthcare and nursing
The graduate knows the legal principles and the security criteria when dealing with medical products – explains the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic of selected drug groups and applies different application methods and drug forms appropriately – justifies the risk of habit, abuse and addiction – can allocate the indications, counter-indications, side effects and intolerances of medication to the listed clinical pictures and inform and advise patients on the importance and significance of the respective drug – explains perioperative, diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities – can anticipate possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the acute setting and work towards a compensation with the patient or with his/her reference system – recognises pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages based on his/her scientific and medical knowledge and interprets them with regard to nursing consequences – takes diagnostic and therapeutic observation- and monitoring measures with the help of standardised measuring techniques, devices, medical aids and documents the results safeguarding quality – develops the necessary facts, methods and justification for the listed contents concerning the targets, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of medical diagnostics and therapy in the execution of diagnostically- and therapeutically relevant interventions and nursing techniques for people of all ages.
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Perioperative diagnostics and therapy
- Operative procedures on the digestive tract
- Acute heart diseases
- Acute vascular system diseases
- Acute locomotor system diseases
- Acute brain- and nervous system diseases
- Acute respiratory diseases
- Acute gynaecological diseases
- Acute dermatological diseases
- Acute pain
- Disorders in the acid-base balance
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - General pharmacology
- Pharmacology, storage of medication and handling of medicinal products, types of dosages
- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
- Ingredients, effect mechanisms, applications
- Legal principles, development and the authorisation of medicinal products
- Specific pharmacology
- Indications, counter-indications and side effects of medicinal products in the treatment of selected disorders such as
- Sleep disorders
- Pain
- Cardio-vascular diseases
- Infectious diseases
- Digestive organ diseases
- Disorders in the hormonal balance
- Locomotor system diseases
- Mental and neurological diseases
- Metabolism diseases
- Disorders in the water- and electrolyte balance
- Respiratory diseases
The graduate can anticipate the possible effects of functional impairment, injury, disease and diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the chronic setting and can work towards a compensation with the patient or their reference system - recognises pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with chronic illnesses based on his/her scientific and medical knowledge and interprets them with regard to nursing consequences – takes diagnostic and therapeutic observation- and monitoring measures in the chronic setting with the help of standardised measuring techniques, devices, medical aids and documents the results safeguarding quality – develops the necessary facts, methods and justification for the listed contents concerning the targets, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of medical diagnostics and therapy in the execution of diagnostically- and therapeutically relevant interventions and nursing techniques for people of all ages.
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- Chronic heart diseases
- Chronic vascular system diseases
- Chronic metabolism diseases
- Chronic brain- and nervous system diseases
- Chronic colon diseases
- Chronic liver diseases
- Chronic locomotor system diseases
- Endocrinological and immunological diseases
- Chronic ENT diseases
- Chronic eye diseases
- Chronic dermatological diseases
- Chronic respiratory diseases
The graduate can anticipate the possible effects of functional impairment, injury, disease and diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the chronic and oncological setting and can work towards a compensation with the patient or their reference system - recognises pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with chronic illnesses based on his/her scientific and medical knowledge and interprets them with regard to nursing consequences – takes diagnostic and therapeutic observation- and monitoring measures in the chronic and oncological setting with the help of standardised measuring techniques, devices, medical aids and documents the results safeguarding quality – develops the necessary facts, methods and justification for the listed contents concerning the targets, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of medical diagnostics and therapy in the execution of diagnostically- and therapeutically relevant interventions and nursing techniques for people of all ages.
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3,5
- Contents:
- - Nephrological system diseases
- Intracranial mass processes
- Oncological diseases of the different organ systems
- Breasts
- Oesophagus
- Stomach
- Bile duct
- Liver
- Pancreas
- Colon
- Lungs
- Kidneys and urine-forming system
- ENT area
- Gynaecology
- Blood-forming system
- Skin
- Locomotor system
- Eyes
- Oncological and nephrological therapy processes
- Transfusion medicine including adverse incidents
- Blood samples from the artery radialis and the artery dorsalis pedis including the administration of drugs
The graduate comprehends healthcare and nursing in a historic context (from untrained caregivers to professional care) both as a human encounter and social mission and observes these in a national and international comparison – takes human- and patient rights into consideration in healthcare and nursing and advocates their adherence - has access to people, which is characterised by empathy, respect and congruence – shows intercultural competence in dealing with people from different cultures, makes nursing interventions based on his/her nursing knowhow while taking the physical, mental, religious, spiritual, socio-cultural and gender-related aspects into account.
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Concepts and terms: diversity, culture (wide cultural term), power/power symmetries, identity, transcultural competences
- Migration, migration and health
- Culture as lifestyle and interpretations/orientation framework – awareness of possible differences regarding communication forms, closeness and distance, family concept, customs, religion, eating habits, manners, hygiene
- Dealing with language barriers in day-to-day nursing: backgrounds and effects, individual and organisation-related solutions and resources
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Historic development of the nursing professions – from untrained caregivers to professional care, national and international
- Job description – specialised healthcare and nursing
- Professional code – specialised healthcare and nursing
Understanding of roles
Social policy in a comparative perspective
Social structures and integration
The graduate justifies his/her own values and norms as well as his/her own behaviour and action and can classify them in an international recognised professional code – develops a positive perception through his/her actions – explains fundamental knowledge on standardised ethics and ethics in the healthcare professions and can classify ethical conflicts in the professional field of activity – explains the fundamental concept of psychology, sociology and pedagogy – derives action strategies for the professional nursing care based on reference disciplines - names the pedagogic purpose, target, direction, tasks and areas of application and explains the development and maturity of the individual across the whole lifespan – explains the fundamental terms of sociology as a science and presents its significance for the nursing profession and also explains role-related theory concepts – explains the fundamental terms of pedagogy and psychology as a science, presents its significance for the nursing profession and describes actions and principles, which are of importance for nursing – works out personally-effective learning- and work strategies using different problem-solving, decision-making and creativity techniques – understands case work as an important component of the healthcare and nursing training and adequately processes medical-nursing principles.
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 2
- Contents:
- - Pedagogic purpose and scope
- Attitudes and basic forms of pedagogic action
- Case work – theory
- Sociological purpose and scope
- Society as a influential factor on health and illness
- Psychological purpose and scope
- Psychological theories and subjective illness theories
- Stress factors and coping strategies in dealing with illness
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1,5
- Contents:
- - Idea of human
- Morals, values, norms
- Traditional ethical theories: deontology, teleology, virtue ethics, principle ethics, care ethics
- Applied ethics: ethics in medicine, ethics in nursing (responsibility, ethics code)
- Decision-making: questions, influencing factors, reflection- and decision-making models. ethics counselling
- Application of ethical principles – such as respect, autonomy, responsibility, welfare, justice
- Influences on human value hierarchies and their coexistence
- Questions of equal opportunities, gender- and cultural sensitivity
- Research ethics
- Job and profession
The graduate is familiar with the communication models and can apply the principles to a target-oriented dialogue – conducts the dialogue with the target nursing groups as well as with the intra- and inter-professional team based on his/her knowledge and skills with regard to interaction, communication and dialogue – formulates differentiated and constructive feedback and correctly assesses feedback – recognises communication barriers and conflicts, initiates solution possibilities – designs professional information- and communication tasks in the concrete situation and in a goal-oriented manner.
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Theoretical models of communication
- Communication in practice
- Principles of target-oriented dialogue
- Verbal / non-verbal communication
- Role distribution and communication structures
- Supporting and inhibiting factors in communication
- Self- and external perception in communication
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Causes and effects of different interests, objectives and moral concepts of people and groups
- Perception and recognition of controversial views and/or standpoints
- Challenging dialogue situations
- Dialogue strategies
- Standpoint representation: position-related versus case-related
- Effects of behaviour such as force (“Win-Lose-Situation”), avoidance (“Lose-Lose-Situation”), yielding (“Lose-Win Situation”), cooperation (“Win-Win-Situation”)
The graduate realistically assesses his/her own competences with regard to the specialist, organisational, coordinating and administrative job requirements – takes decisions for communicative and organisational skills which are necessary in dealing with complex interdisciplinary tasks – conducts information- and clarification dialogues and interviews professionally and forms a basis of trust to the patients, relatives, applicants – reflects on lessons learned to an appropriate extent and instructs on complex actions and strategies – is used to giving and receiving differentiated and constructive feedback – works out personally-effective learning- and work strategies using different problem-solving, decision-making and creativity techniques – derives, based on personal experience and the demands of life-long learning, the need to adapt the professional activity to the nursing scientific, medical-scientific and socio-scientific findings – assesses the psychosocial demands of his/her own professional field and deals with this constructively – can take professionally justified decisions autonomously and responsibly represents own decisions externally – fulfils the pedagogic tasks of healthcare and nursing such as instruction, advice and training based on the findings and methods of the education sciences as well as the social- and human sciences – develops the relationship process to the patient and their families/persons of trust taking into consideration their individual biography/situation to ensure compliance/adherence – plans, organises and advises on the support and guidance for dealing with context-related life crises.
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Definition of terms
- Education objectives
- Fields of education
- Methodology of educational processes
- Evaluation of educational results
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Reflection of own learning behaviour and own learning experience
- Getting to know tutors and tutor functions
- Change of perspective – development from learner to teacher to instructor
- Reflection on own behaviour as instructor
- Self-organisation
- Time-management
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Principles of successful self-management
- Self-reflection – self-image – external image
- Target-, time- and stress management
- Psycho-hygiene in the healthcare professions
- Self-confidence, self-efficacy – personal responsibility – self-determination aptitude
- Articulation aptitude – argumentation aptitude
- Empathy
- Role distance
- Frustration tolerance
- Strategies on personality building (such as e.g. concentration skill, self-motivation, dealing with changes, calm, tolerance, optimism, emotion regulation)
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Personality theories and methods of personality development
- Social perception
- Authentic demeanour – personal expression
- Rhetoric
- Presentation techniques
- Application strategies and development of professional perspectives
The graduate develops communicative and organisational skills, which are necessary in dealing with complex interdisciplinary tasks – conducts information- and clarification dialogues and interviews professionally and forms a basis of trust to the patients and relatives, in order to derive the necessary measures – is aware of his/her role in the framework of the professional development and can actively contribute to the further development of the profession – informs, with reflection, on lessons learned to an appropriate extent and derives complex actions and strategies – is used to giving and receiving differentiated and constructive feedback – works out personally-effective learning- and work strategies using different problem-solving, decision-making and creativity techniques – derives, based on personal experience and the demands of life-long learning, the need to adapt the professional activity to the nursing scientific, medical-scientific and socio-scientific findings – fulfils the pedagogic tasks of healthcare and nursing such as instruction, advice and training based on the findings and methods of the education sciences as well as the social- and human sciences – establishes the relationship process to the patient and their families/persons of trust taking into consideration their individual biography/situation to ensure compliance/adherence – plans, organises and advises on the support and guidance for dealing with context-related life crises.
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Basic information on conflict management
- Definition and diagnosis of conflict
- Conflict ability: perceiving conflict, recognising opposing positions and contributing to conflict-solving
- Behaviour in conflict dialogue
- Your own role in conflict – inter- and intra-personal conflicts
- Conflict phases
- Conflicts in organisation- and development processes
- Regulation- and solution models for conflicts
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Definition of terms
- Education objectives
- Fields of education
- Methodology of educational processes
- Evaluation of educational results
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Reflection of own learning behaviour and own learning experience
- Getting to know tutors and tutor functions
- Change of perspective – development from learner to teacher to instructor
- Reflection on own behaviour as instructor
- Self-organisation
- Time-management
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Successful relationship management
- Your own role in the interaction
- Differentiate and enforce
- Solution-oriented action
- Thinking in systems
- Planning and co-determination capacity: insight and ability for team work
- Co-responsibility and co-determination in the professional and social in present and future organisation
- Critical ability: e.g. clear expression of constructive criticism
The graduate forms his/her tasks and role in the intra- and inter-professional team and optimises the continuing cooperation in different settings – qualifies in his/her role design as a positive perceptual model – assesses the possible effects of functional impairment, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages and anticipates compensation possibilities with the patient or their reference systems – represents a multi-disciplinary and an overall professional and job approach in solving health problems – carries out nursing as a service in the healthcare and social sector in a team-and customer-oriented manner – professionally conducts the dialogue with the different occupational groups in nursing, based on his/her knowledge, skills, aptitudes of interaction, communication and dialogue.
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Set-up and configuration of groups/teams
- Team management/teams in the health care sector
- Individuality and interdependence in groups/teams
- Configuration possibilities in the management of groups/teams
- Responsibility in the group/team
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Role concept depending on
- Age
- Diagnosis/condition
- Context
- Gender
- Socialisation
- Impairment of role concept by internal/external influences
- Possibilities to increase role awareness and the ability to act
- Psycho-hygiene for the affected and care-giving persons
- Interprofessional cooperation
The graduate is knowledgeable about nursing science and research and can outline a research-based decision-, action- and argumentation framework in healthcare and nursing – relays nursing results and describes these with reference to current scientific findings – has the fundamental knowhow about data bank programmes and researches scientific findings in the national and international field, in particular for the purpose of evidence-based reflection in healthcare and nursing – cites nursing-related research questions and hypotheses – contrasts this with qualitative and quantative nursing research and understands research work on the practice-relevant problems – is familiar with the development of evidence-based interventions, norms, standards, guidelines and directives for healthcare and nursing – researches specialised literature and research reports and can characterise them as to their quality.
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Nursing science and research – what for?
- Differentiation of nursing science and nursing research
- Differentiation of nursing-science and research-related terms
- Types, forms and sources of knowledge
- Research process
- Research approaches - an overview
- Ethics in science and research (focus nursing)
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Lecture compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Scientific work in nursing – what for?
- Publication forms and types
- The process of literature searches
- Literature processing
- Composition directives on scientific work at the University of Applied Sciences for the Healthcare Professions Upper Austria
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- Practice-oriented session 1
- Process of literature research
Practice-oriented session 2
- Literature processing (Draft is based in the composition directives on scientific work at the University of Applied Sciences for the Healthcare Professions Upper Austria)
The graduate justifies and formulates scientific- and research-based decision-, action- and argumentation frameworks in healthcare and nursing – reports on nursing results and explains these in reference to current scientific finding based on an example – has fundamental knowledge of statistics programmes – can, based on his/her fundamental knowledge of statistical data collection- and analyses techniques, contribute to data preparation for statistical purposes, can understand statistical data material and interpret these accordingly – researches scientific findings in the national and international field, in particular for the evidence-based reflection in healthcare and nursing – formulates appropriate research questions and hypotheses in nursing - has the basic knowledge of qualitative and quantative nursing research and cites research works on the processing of practice-relevant problems – applies research findings and identifies “best-practice” examples to their implementation – selects evidence-based interventions, norms, standards, guidelines and directives for healthcare and nursing and justifies this choice – uses specialised literature and research reports for scientific discourse.
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Practice-oriented session compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Basic statistic definitions
- Descriptive statistics
- Introduction to SPSS
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Specialist terms in the nursing scientific context
- Communication in everyday job situations
- Practice-relevant tasks
- Literature processing in English (Draft is based in the composition directives on scientific work at the University of Applied Sciences for the Healthcare Professions Upper Austria)
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Fundamental terms in nursing epidemiology
- Epidemiological questions in nursing
- Economical and quality-relevant figures in nursing
The graduate produces and applies scientific- and research-based decision-, action- and argumentation frameworks in healthcare and nursing – evaluates nursing results and explains these in reference to current scientific findings – evaluates and applies scientific findings in the national and international field, in particular for the evidence-based reflection in healthcare and nursing – formulates and processes appropriate research questions and hypotheses in nursing - has the basic knowledge of qualitative and quantative nursing research and can use and analyse research works on practice-relevant problems – justifies research findings and identifies “best-practice” examples for their implementation – uses scientific findings and methods in the preparation of evidence-based interventions, norms, standards, guidelines and directives for healthcare and nursing as well as in the framework of research processes – analyses specialised literature and research reports for scientific discourse.
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Seminar compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 4
- Contents:
- - From the idea to the topic of the scientific work
- Derivation of the problem and scientific problem formulation based in the topic
- Components of an exposé and exposé drafting
- Components of scientific work
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Integrated course compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- Evidence-based nursing – what for?
Definitions in the context of evidence-based nursing
Evidence stages
Evidence-based nursing from theory to practice – best practice examples
Practice-oriented session: Drafting a practice example using the methodological steps of EBN
The graduate has a fundamental knowledge of nursing science and research and is familiar with a research-based decision-, action- and argumentation framework in healthcare and nursing and can apply this and analyse them comprehensibly for nursing practice – processes nursing results and justifies these with reference to current scientific findings – researches scientific findings in the national and international field, in particular for the purpose of evidence-based reflection, evaluation and argumentation in healthcare and nursing – formulates and processes nursing-related research questions and hypotheses – has fundamental knowledge of qualitative and quantative nursing research and can understand and critically evaluate research work on practice-relevant problems – cooperates on research findings, applies research findings and contributes to “best practice” examples – uses scientific findings and methodology in the processing of evidence-based interventions, norms, standards, guidelines and directives for healthcare and nursing as well as in the framework of research processes – participates in scientific discourse and understands specialised literature and research reports.
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Miscellaneous compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 2
- Contents:
- - Case-based final exam, as well as exam topics in accordance with FHStG (University of Applied Sciences Study Law in its current version) and the FH-GuKG AV (University of Applied Sciences Healthcare and Hospital Educational Regulations) The requirement for taking the bachelor exam is the positive completion of all the courses including the practical training.
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Seminar compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 7
- Contents:
- - Consolidation of theoretical argumentation
- From the idea to the topic of the scientific work
- Derivation of the problem and scientific problem formulation based on the topic
- Components of an exposé and exposé drafting
- Components of a scientific work
- Drafting of the bachelor thesis
The graduate comprehends healthcare and nursing in a historic context as a human encounter and social mission – establishes a basis of trust and social relationship and develops understanding and tolerance towards others – describes life-threatening conditions as such and derives the necessary measures until the doctor arrives – applies patient observation in accordance with his/her level of training and informs of any anomalies in the health condition – is familiar with the assessment instruments and uses these in practice - derives diagnosis and observation- and monitoring measures with the help of selected standardised measuring techniques, devices and assistive aids in accordance with the listed contents and documents the results ensuring quality – is familiar with nursing interventions related to the listed contents, can apply these in terms of patient autonomy and is aware of his/her own responsibility in their implementation – professionally bases nursing interventions on the criteria of effectiveness, wellbeing, safety, economicality and ecology, while observing personal hygiene and applies placement-specific hygiene measures at the workplace – can recognise communication barriers and initiate solution possibilities – is a positive perceptual model in his/her behaviour – documents nursing relevant data and information using the given documentation systems – has fundamental knowledge of nursing-specific IT programmes, in order to be able to use the IT systems in the respective field – collected data is handled sensitively – recognises the psycho-social demands of the respective field of activity – with the help of supervised case discussions recognises personally effective learning- and work strategies – can consciously establish, reflect on, maintain and dissolve social relationships in the professional context – his/her access to people is characterised by empathy, respect and congruence – accepts responsibility for his/her own decisions, actions and their consequences.
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - EDP
- Operating user programmes
- Data protection and data security
- Nursing IT- and activity recording systems
- Electronic nursing documentation
- Social networks
- Establish, create and end relationships (on 1 professional placement day at the respective teaching- and learning institute)
- Dealing with difficult situations (e.g. violence, sexual harassment)
- Reflection (on the last professional placement day)
- Supervised case discussion
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Positioning according to selected concepts
- Use of aids such as rollator, walking aids, crutches
- Blood pressure measurement (manual) and documentation
- Pulse measurement and documentation
- Temperature control and documentation
- Personal hygiene (partial wash, full body wash in bed, bathing a baby)
- Partial washing incl. bed making
- Nutrition- and fluid protocol
- Pneumonia prophylaxes/aspiration prophylaxes/O2 administration/
specific patient positioning/breath stimulating embrocation
- Semester:
- 1
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 6,5
- Contents:
- - Structure, organisation and emergency management of the respective professional placement unit
- Establishment of a nursing relationship
- Application of personal hygiene directives
- Execution of hygiene measures at the work place
- Dealing with infectious patients
- Carrying out patient observation
- Utilisation of selected assessment instruments
- Execution of selected prophylaxes
- Carrying out nursing interventions in the case of change in:
- sleep
- consciousness
- nutrition
- skin
- excretions
- movement
- breathing
- body temperature
- pulse and blood pressure
- Carrying out nursing measures according to selected concepts
- Carrying out personal hygiene
- Measurement and documentation of the vital parameters and recognition of changes
- Dealing with language barriers in everyday nursing (considering illness and being culturally-sensitive)
- Implementation of the job description in practice
The graduate applies methods of patient observation according to his/her level of training and informs of any anomalies in the health condition– determines the nursing anamnesis and uses the selected assessment instruments – is familiar with nursing interventions related to the listed contents, can apply these in terms of patient autonomy and is aware of his/her own responsibility in their implementation – professionally bases nursing interventions on the criteria of effectiveness, wellbeing, safety, economicality and ecology, while observing personal hygiene and applies placement-specific hygiene measures at the workplace – can name and describe practice-related nursing models, theories and concepts and applies these, under instruction, to selected patients accordingly – establishes a relationship of trust to people of ages and in all living situations and develops understanding and tolerance towards others – has access to people which is characterised by empathy, respect and congruence – shows intercultural competence in dealing with people of different cultures – is familiar with the legal stipulations for the respective field of activity and takes this into consideration – integrates him/herself into the different nursing settings or care sectors and recognises the necessity of the different organisational- and work forms – develops understanding for other professions in the healthcare sector and presents the necessity of continuing inter-disciplinary cooperation – recognises ethical conflicts and initiates solution possibilities and/or management strategies – recognises his/her own specialised and personal possibilities and limits and develops personally-effective coping strategies in cases of stress – develops empathy for people in special living situations (e.g. sense- and perception impairments) in self-awareness sequences – develops by means of supervised case discussions personally-effective learning- and work strategies – derives professional- and nursing situations within the framework of supervised case discussions and draws conclusions for their further professional behaviour.
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - Self-management
- Time-management
- Stress management
- Burnout- and prophylaxis
- Resilience
- Reflection:
- Supervised case discussion
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Complementary nursing methods
- Compression dressing and medical thrombosis prophylaxis stockings
- Aids for urine and stool samples (incl. for children)
- Constipation prophylaxis
- Incontinence care
- One-time catheter
- Permanent catheter
- Dealing with the bladder scan
- Bandages: net-, tubular bandages, gilchrist sling, splints, dressings
- Practical application of geriatric models e.g. validation
- Self-awareness sequences with sense- and perception impairments
- Communication and dialogue with people in special living situations:
- with cognitively-impaired people e.g. dementia
- with parents-to-be
- group activities in psychiatric care (talking to relatives, psycho-education, trialogical communication, motivating communication, person-centred communication …)
- Assessment of psychiatric care
- Semester:
- 2
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 12
- Contents:
- - Patient observation
- Utilisation of assessment instruments
- Determining the nursing anamnesis
- Execution of selected prophylaxes
- Execution of nursing interventions for thrombosis, hearing-, sight- and perception- impaired people, for pain and excretions
- Execution of simple dressings and wound observation
- Concepts and theories of the respective institution
- Dealing with people in different living situations/age groups and cultural circles
- Implementation of the hospital law
- Inter-disciplinary nature in practice
- Critical debate with ethical principles in practice
The graduate recognises the dangers and health risks at the workplace, assesses these and takes accident- and health-protecting measures in cooperation with experts – formulates nursing diagnoses, based on acute illnesses, in cooperation with the patients and their relatives and/or their reference systems and subsequently plans the necessary nursing interventions and strategies, whereby the wishes of the patient and/or their relatives are taken into consideration and his/her dignity is maintained – selects – in the acute setting – nursing interventions based on the entirety of their nursing knowledge as well as the people’s preferences and resources and takes the principles of health promotion in consideration while doing so – anticipates possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the acute setting and works towards a compensation with the patient and their reference systems – acts and reacts quickly, safely and flexibly in routine situations – instructs people with acute illnesses as required on carrying out partial or complete self-care activities and/or organises when necessary the execution of the nursing activities – supports and accompanies patients or their reference system in dealing with and coping with functional impairments, illness, crises, the dying process – recognises complex and problematic nursing situations in the acute and/or palliative setting and deals with these professionally if necessary including other healthcare and social professions as well as legal principles – has factual-, methodological- and justification knowledge on the objectives, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of the listed diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions for people of all ages - instructs people accordingly on carrying out partial or complete diagnostic or therapeutic measures for the selected listed contents – is familiar with the legally relevant stipulations in connection with medical diagnostics and therapy as well as regarding medicinal products and can deal with recommended courses of action – decides in the situation, whether he/she has the necessary expertise to carry out the instruction required by the doctor and decides whether to adopt them with regard to the legally-resulting liability consequences in particular with regard to the advertent negligence – carries out competences with regard to medical diagnostics and therapy in accordance with the professional legal regulations and is aware of the implementation responsibility – recognises based on his/her scientific-medical knowledge, pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with acute illnesses and interprets these with regard to nursing consequences – processes practical task formulations according to scientific criteria – recognises communication barriers and conflicts and initiates solution possibilities or coping strategies – recognises escalating situations quickly and takes adequate de-escalation measures – works out personally effective learning- and work strategies based on supervised case discussions - derives professional- and nursing situations within the framework of supervised case discussions and draws conclusions for their further professional behaviour.
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 0,5
- Contents:
- - De-escalation training
- Reflection
- Supervised case discussion
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Standardised diagnostic programme
- Infusion therapy, injection therapy
- Treatment of acute wounds and wound infections
- Peripheral vein access
- Capillary and venous blood sample
- Suction of upper airways
- Administration of medication
- Dealing with drainage systems, probes, stitches and wound staples
- Application of girdles, orthotics and movement splints
- Practice-session on the nursing process
- Semester:
- 3
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 11
- Contents:
- - Employees, employee protection
- Nursing interventions and health-promoting measures in acute illnesses including the nursing process and documentation
- Nursing interventions for acute and chronic pain
- General and specific pharmacology
- Medical diagnostics and therapy:
- Standardised diagnostic programmes
- Infusion therapy, injection therapy
- Treatment of acute wounds and wound infections
- Peripheral vein access
- Capillary and venous blood sample
- Suction of upper airways
- Administration of medication
- Dealing with drainage systems, probes, stitches and wound staples
- Application of girdles, orthotics and movement splints
- Psycho-hygiene of nursing specialists
- Care of relatives and next-of-kin
- Dealing with patient decree and health care proxy
- Practice-relevant, scientific task formulation
The graduate formulates nursing diagnoses, based on chronic illnesses, in cooperation with the patients and their relatives and/or their reference systems, establishes nursing objectives and subsequently plans the necessary nursing interventions and strategies, whereby the wishes of the patient and/or their relatives are taken into consideration and his/her dignity is maintained – selects – in the chronic setting – nursing interventions based on the entirety of their nursing knowledge as well as the people’s preferences and resources and takes the principles of health promotion in consideration while doing so – anticipates possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in the chronic setting and works towards a compensation with the patient and their reference systems – instructs people with chronic illnesses as required on carrying out partial or complete self-care activities and/or in the role of case- and care-manager and/or organisation manager organises the instruction and control of nursing interventions of other nursing staff, trainees or care-givers – organises the healthcare and nursing according to the principles of the patient- and process orientation and carries out any related administrative tasks in connection with this – recognises complex and problematic nursing situations in the chronic and/or palliative setting and deals with these professionally if necessary including other healthcare and social professions as well as legal principles – informs people and their reference system about the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures for illnesses, in order to reduce their fear and insecurity and implements patient education - has factual-, methodological- and justification knowledge on the objectives, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of the listed diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions for people of all ages - is familiar with the legally relevant stipulations in connection with medical diagnostics and therapy as well as regarding medicinal products and can deal with recommended courses of action – decides in the situation, whether he/she has the necessary expertise to carry out the instruction required by the doctor and decides whether to adopt them with regard to the legally-resulting liability consequences in particular with regard to the advertent negligence – carries out competences with regard to medical diagnostics and therapy in accordance with the professional legal regulations and is aware of the implementation responsibility – recognises based on his/her scientific-medical knowledge, pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with chronic illnesses and interprets these with regard to nursing consequences – uses scientific findings and methods in the processing of evidence-based interventions, norms, standards, guidelines and directives for healthcare and nursing as well as within the framework of research processes – processes given complex and problematic nursing situations (case analysis) taking into consideration the central nursing concepts, models, theories, principles, courses of action, methods and techniques after critical examination – adequately plans and documents the nursing process for selected clinical pictures in all living situations – derives the necessity for multi-disciplinary job- and professional cooperation in solving health problems – has an integrative attitude and understanding and can reach conclusions and act in a systematically-networked and inter-disciplinary manner – deals with situation-based professional information and communication tasks – recognises escalating situations quickly and takes adequate de-escalation measures – works out personally effective learning- and work strategies based on supervised case discussions - derives professional- and nursing situations within the framework of supervised case discussions and draws conclusions for their further professional behaviour.
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Continuation of de-escalation training from 3rd semester
- Reflection
- Supervised case discussion
- Possible preparation for foreign professional placement
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 2
- Contents:
- - Bobath concept
- Treatment of chronic wounds and repetition of acute wounds
- Various punctions, installations and rinses
- Practice-session on the nursing process
- Communication and dialogues with people in special living situations
- Case work (practice-related) taking all the nursing concepts into consideration
- Semester:
- 4
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 10,5
- Contents:
- - Nursing interventions for chronic illnesses including the nursing process and documentation
- Medical diagnostics and therapy:
- Working with standard operating procedures in the case of medication adjustment
- Wound management
- Punctions
- Implementing nursing education
- Implementing evidence based nursing in practice
- Acceptance of administrative tasks
- Instruction, delegation and control
The graduate selects central nursing concepts, models, theories, principles, courses of action, methods and techniques after critical examination and integrates them according to the situation and the individual in healthcare and nursing – determines, based on the nursing anamnesis, as well as the suitable assessment instruments, the stage of development, the health risk factors and indicators, problems, requirements, needs, development potential and resources of people of all ages as well as families while taking into consideration the cultural and ideological contexts and executes these in the nursing-diagnostic process – formulates nursing objectives, based on nursing diagnoses, in cooperation with the patients and their relatives and/or their reference systems and subsequently plans the necessary nursing interventions and strategies, whereby the wishes of the patient and/or their relatives are taken into consideration and his/her dignity is maintained – selects nursing interventions based on the entirety of their nursing knowledge as well as the people’s preferences and resources taking the physical, mental, religious, spiritual, socio-cultural, gender-specific as well as ethical aspects into consideration while doing so – anticipates possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in all settings and works towards a compensation with the patient and their reference systems – recognises in people of all ages the psycho-social need for assistance and derives the necessity of including other healthcare- and social professions - organises the healthcare and nursing according to the principles of the patient- and process orientation and carries out any related administrative tasks in connection with this – instructs people with illnesses as required on carrying out partial or complete self-care activities and/or in the role of case- and care-manager and/or organisation manager organises the instruction and control of nursing interventions of other nursing staff, trainees or care-givers - recognises based on his/her scientific-medical knowledge, pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with illnesses and interprets these with regard to nursing consequences – can motivate, instruct and advise people, families and groups on health-promoting and illness-preventing lifestyles – works on the evaluation of health-promoting and illness-preventing measures and strategies in-situ and organises the evaluation him/herself - weighs up to the best of his/her knowledge - decisions in dilemma situations, which result from areas of tension between the job ethos, economicality and individuality – is familiar with the field of application as well as the principles, instruments and methods of project management and can plan, execute and evaluate simple nursing-based projects – interprets the structure-, process and result quality of the nursing itself and cooperates on quality work in the respective institution – participates clearly, understandably and purposefully in inter- and intra-professional information- and knowledge transfer as well as in the knowledge management of the respective institution – is used to giving and taking differentiated as well as constructive feedback - makes professionally justified decisions autonomously and responsibly represents these externally – assesses the psycho-social demands of the respective field of action and deals with these constructively – recognises his/her own professional and private possibilities and limits and applies personally-effective coping strategies in times of stress.
- Semester:
- 5
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 27
- Contents:
- - Individual application of models, concepts and theories in nursing practice
- Nursing diagnostic process taking into consideration the different living situations, illnesses, social situations, cultural backgrounds as well as health-promoting aspects
- Case- and care management
- Economicality versus individuality
- Implementation of practical assignments to the topics (e.g. project work)
- National and/or international health systems
- Coping strategies in the professional context
- Discharge- and interface management
- Dialogue
The graduate determines, based on the nursing anamnesis as well as the suitable assessment instruments the stage of development, the health risk factors and indicators, problems, requirements, needs, development potential and resources of people of all ages as well as families while taking into consideration the cultural and ideological contexts and executes these in the nursing-diagnostic process – fulfils the pedagogic tasks of healthcare and nursing such as instruction, advice and training based on the findings and methods of educational science as well as the social and human sciences – has the fundamental knowledge of normative ethics and ethics on the healthcare professions and can recognise ethical conflicts in the professional field of activity, addresses them and develops solution strategies in the nursing team - anticipates possible effects and functional impairments, injury, illness, diagnostics and therapy for people of all ages in all settings and works towards a compensation with the patient and their reference systems – recognises in people of all ages the psycho-social need for assistance and derives the necessity of including other healthcare- and social professions – evaluates the nursing results and justifies these with reference to current scientific findings – can document nursing-relevant data and information using documentation systems and judge the quality of the documentation according to verifiable standards – recognises complex and problematic nursing situations as such and deals with and reflects on these professionally, if necessary including other healthcare and social professions – purposefully and systematically instructs trainees with differing levels of qualifications in healthcare and nursing – and evaluates the respective learning results – leads the nursing assistance, nursing assistants and next-of-kin of social support professions to take over nursing activities or in the support of basic care and oversees and/or carries out the accompanying control of the execution of these tasks – judges, based on a comprehensive and individual situation assessment of the nursing process, the delegability of individual nursing interventions to caregivers – instructs caregivers in the implementation of individually defined nursing activities ensuring quality and manages these – develops a quality assurance system with the patient or their legal representation or the persons authorised by the patient and the caregivers, which allows the early recognition of circumstances which no longer permit nursing care by caregivers - recognises based on his/her scientific-medical knowledge, pathological changes and abnormalities in people of all ages with illnesses and interprets these with regard to nursing consequences - has factual-, methodological- and justification knowledge on the objectives, modes of action, execution modalities, dangers and complications of the listed diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions for people of all ages – commands the skills, techniques and strategies necessary to implement the therapeutic and diagnostic measures instructed by the doctor – is familiar with the legally relevant stipulations in terms of the medical diagnostics and therapy as well as of medical products and derives recommended courses of actions and implements these in nursing practice – can decide in the situation if she/he has the necessary expertise to implement the doctor’s instructions and decides whether to adopt them with regard to the legally-resulting liability consequences in particular with regard to the advertent negligence – works in the field of medical diagnostics and therapy according to the laws governing the profession and adopts on doctor’s orders the implementation of medical care and thereby accepts responsibility for their implementation – decides following a situation assessment on the possibility to further delegate the doctor’s orders to authorised persons and oversees and/or controls their implementation –represents a multi-disciplinary and inter- job- and professional attitude in solving health problems – perceives his/her task and role in the intra- and inter-professional team and works with other professions steadily and in a coordinated manner – optimises work processes and the process quality at the given interfaces of the respective care institutions and functional areas and in the case of interface problems, introduces the development and implementation of solution strategies with the aim of continuing care for people – can, based on the background of his/her fundamental knowledge of disease-, case and care- management, induce a clear relevant role and function distribution in the multi-professional team and help plan and design a chain of care for the support and treatment of people of all ages – acts in the understanding of nursing as a service in the healthcare and social sector economically and in a customer-oriented manner – can develop, design and implement professional activity in particular in the case of freelance work using organisational and business principles – can introduce nursing perspectives for health, functional impairment or injury, illness, dying or death in socio-political discourse and participate at or organise such events, campaigns, work groups, programmes and projects – professional establishes dialogue with the target nursing groups as well as in the intra- and inter-professional team based on his/her knowledge, abilities and skills on interaction, communication and dialogue – reflects on his/her own values and norms, as well as his/her own behaviour and action and can align this action as well as his/her behaviour to an internally-renowned job codex – can reflect on job- and nursing situations on a concept- and theory basis, can assess these in a differentiated manner and can draw conclusions for his/her further professional action – derives job and nursing situations within the framework of supervised case discussions and derives conclusions for his/her further professional action – can recognise dangers and health risks at the workplace, judge these and either take accident- or illness-preventing measures him/herself or develop and assess relevant measures and strategies with other experts.
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 1
- Contents:
- - Leadership
- Working in inter- and multi-professional teams
- Reflection
- Supervised case discussion
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 3
- Contents:
- - Stoma care
- Preparation and implementation of transfusion therapy including bedside test
- Micro-training – suction tracheostoma, tracheal cannulas, tube changing, tube care
- Handling and changing the suprapubic catheter
- Dealing with peritoneal dialysis
- Dealing with the Port-A-Cath/mobile Chemo-drip stand
- Preparation and assistance with endoscopic procedures
- Handling and change of percutaneous gastric exchange systems
- Semester:
- 6
- Type:
- Internship compulsory course
- ECTS-points:
- 7,5
- Contents:
- - Nursing diagnostic process taking into consideration the various living situations, illnesses, social situations, cultural backgrounds as well as health-promoting aspects
- Diagnostic and therapeutic measures
- Stoma care
- Preparation and implementation of transfusion therapy including bedside test
- Micro-training – suction tracheostoma, tracheal cannulas, tube changing, tube care
- Handling and changing the supra-pubic catheter
- Dealing with peritoneal dialysis
- Dealing with the Port-A-Cath/mobile Chemo-drip stand
- Preparation and assistance with endoscopic procedures
- Handling and change of percutaneous gastric exchange systems
- Blood samples from the arteria radialis and arteria dorsalis pedis including the administration of medication
- Patient education
- Documentation systems
- Interface management