Data protection information Events in connection with the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria
With this notice on data protection we, the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria, Semmelweisstraße 34, 4020 Linz, wish to inform you about the processing of your personal data regarding your registration for and participation in events as well as about the rights granted to you by national and European regulations.
Organisation of events
For the organisation of an event we may store, process and use personal data collected from your registration. These data mainly comprise your contact details (data for registration) and your bank details, provided the event entails an attendance fee. Your provision of such data is essential in order to meet the mutual pre-/contractual or legal obligations, and thus may be justified with regard to the fulfilment of pre-/contractual obligations laid down in Article 6 Section 1 b of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The data will be stored for both the legal retention period and for accounting evidence for seven years. If evidence for the correct execution of data protection may be required during this period in connection with possible disagreements or conflicts, documents will be stored for as long as verification purposes may pursue. Recipient of data is the certified Upper Austrian IT service provider of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria which provides the entire IT infrastructure.
Should the event entail an attendance fee, your data will be forwarded to the billing service provider for the payment process. If the data forwarding may be authorised for legal or contractual reasons (e.g. house regulations, promotion regulations), your data will be shared with co-organisers, partner companies or sponsors of the stated event. If such data transmission occurs directly at the event you attend, you will be informed separately, and, upon your request to the address listed below, we will provide you with the details of the relevant recipients.
Latest Covid-19 information
In fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, the “3G Rule“ will apply for as long as it may be required at all events allowing for the physical presence of participants to minimise the risk of infection for you and other participants. This means that all participants will need to show evidence that they pose only a low epidemiological risk with respect to SARS-CoV-2. Current legal Covid-19 regulations depending on the current infection situation determine which certificates will be required at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria at the time. Such requirements will be communicated to the event participants in a timely manner. Thus, the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria refers to Article 9 Section 2 i GDPR in relation to § 4 f of the Law on Epidemics and the regulations for Covid-19 measures in regard to public meetings, which require the verification of 3G evidence of participants at events. The validity and authenticity of the certificates will be verified with the help of the “Greencheck“ application provided by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Detailed information about Greencheck can be accessed at: Datenschutzerklärung Greencheck ( The personal data involved will neither be stored nor transmitted to third parties.
In accordance with the currently valid COVID-19 measures regulation and Article 9 Section 2 i GDPR, the following data are collected from all event participants and processed exclusively for the purpose of contact person tracking: name, telephone number, e-mail address, date and time of entering the venue. These data must be transmitted to the competent district administrative authority upon request in line with the applicable regulations for Covid-19 measures in relation to § 5 (3) of the Law on Epidemics. 28 days after the end of the event, this data will be deleted by the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria.
Information on future events
As contractual partner we would like to take the liberty to send you invitations for future events of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria (Direkt marketing services according to § 107 Section 3 Telecommunication Law as justified interest according to Article 6 Section 1 f GDPR) to the email address provided by you, unless you inform us that you do wish otherwise or that you have listed your name according to § 7 Section 2 Law on E-Commerce. You have the right to unsubscribe by email from further mailings at, without affecting the legality of the mailings until unsubscription.
Visual and audio recordings at events
During events, the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria will take photographs and make video recordings for reportings in selected print and online media. The recordings will be confined to conventional close-ups and atmospheric photographs from the events in which you may be recognised in the crowd. Please indicate to the photographer if you do not wish to be recognised in the photos.
Rights of the individuals affected
Individuals affected by the data processing have the right, at all times, to free information, correction, deletion, or restriction of stored data as well as the right to object regarding data processing based on the premise of relevant rules relating to data protection.
In the event of queries, suggestions and complaints regarding data protection, please contact the data protection coordinator and the data protection officer at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria by email at: In addition, and in accordance with Article 77 of GDPR persons concerned have the right to file a complaint with the Austrian data protection authorities, Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Wien, by email, at, if they consider that the processing of their personal data is not lawfully executed.