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Titelbild mit Studierenden aus dem Bachelor-Studienprogramm (Fotocredit: FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ)

Study Programms for Health Professions with a Future.

Biomedical ScienceAnaesthesia CareApplied Technologies for Medical DiagnosticsUniversity Didactics for Health Professions EducationIntensive CareManagement for Health Professionals - main focus on hospital managementCare Management (basal and middle management)DieteticsPaediatric and Adolescent CarePaediatric Intensive CareCare in renal replacement therapyOccupational TherapyPerioperative Nursing CareHealthcare and NursingPsychiatric Healthcare and Mental Health NursingMidwiferySpeech and Language TherapyPhysiotherapyRadiological Technology

Bachelor programmes, master programmes, master course and higher education courses spezialised in health professions - locations and porgrammes all over upper austria.