
Job description
Dietetics deals with nutritional counselling as well as with the selection, compilation and calculation of specific foods for the diets of sick and/or people suspected of infection, people under particular pressure and healthy people. Dieticians carry our individual and clinical nutritional therapies within the framework of in-patient stays and offer clarification – and provide guidance. They autonomously plan and accompany the nutritional-medical counselling- and therapy process. Furthermore the dieticians make an important contribution to health promotion and prevention. They contribute in their role as multiplicators to nutritional awareness and communicate their expertise professionally and multi-medially to the different segments of the population.
Dieticians have acquired extensive know how from the various fields such as e.g. anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, communication, pedagogic or clinical health psychology
Business field
- hospitals (Special in-patients)
- rehabilitation centres
- care facilities
- doctors’ surgeries
- food- and pharmaceutical industry
- self-employed work
Possibilities of further education
The completion of this Bachelor rogramme entitles the graduate to participate in professional, but also in management or pedagogical Master Programmes in the field of the health professions. It is also possible to do further master and doctorate studies in Austria or abroad.