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FH Wels 15 09 2022 136 bearb WEB

Programme details

Healthcare and Nursing comprises the professional care of people of all age groups, population and social groups. As the largest professional group in the healthcare system it makes a considerable contribution to health maintenance.

FH Wels 15 09 2022 67 bearb

Programme focus

The Healthcare and Nursing course is oriented around the individual needs of people during their whole life. Due to social changes health-care and nursing faces new challenges. In order to meet the growing demands of a modern health system, the students develop the necessary practical and scientific skills in the Bachelor degree course “Healthcare and Nursing”.
As well as methodological expertise, the students acquire socio-communicative skills such as conflict management, the ability of self-reflection, capacity for teamwork etc. Furthermore, they learn the fundamental concepts of scientific research. In the accompanying internship the student is offered the opportunity to realise and to intensify the acquired know how under expert guidance.
The study programme is divided into modules, which are partly offered on an inter-disciplinary basis. The curriculum is characterised by a balance between in-depth theoretical education, science and work experience in different health institutions. Graduates of the study programme are in a position, to expertly carry out the allocated tasks, while combining the know-how from the various disciplines. They have learned to act reflectively and autonomously in their professional daily routine and to act in accordance with their professional code of ethics.


FH Wels 15 09 2022 141 bearb reduziert (enlarged view in the gallery)FH Wels 15 09 2022 56 bearb reduziert (enlarged view in the gallery)FH Wels 15 09 2022 93 bearb reduziert (enlarged view in the gallery)FH Wels 15 09 2022 60 bearb reduziert (enlarged view in the gallery)FH Wels 15 09 2022 77 bearb reduziert (enlarged view in the gallery)